Which home cinema system


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi Guys

I have also posted this on a couple of other forums as keen to get an all rounded opinion of recommendations.

I am looking to buy my boyfriend a system for xmas - it will be connected primarily to the PC as everything he does runs through this (he is a programmer and its his hobby making it all complicated)!! This includes movies, music and gaming.

He has wanted a really good amp for some time and I want to get speakers as well. It is for a medium sized room and I have a budget of £1000 - £1500. I need to get the basics to have it up and running as he can purchase other seperates later.

Now i am a complete novice, however want to get him a really good suprise so can anyone advise? Preferably something that is easy to build on in the future, however if that isnt how they work then just something that is great for now and can be relegated to the bedroom in a few years if he gets itchy for a new one. Also he prefers black!

Thanks guys xx
If you can cope with proper speakers, (usually look like wooden boxes and go on stands or on the floor), then you'll get a better performance for the same price if you choose well.

If you want smaller more stylish speakers then there will also be good options available.

What gets recommended will also depend on what it's to be sued for, (films, music, gaming, and so on).

I think if you can clarify on some of these points then you may get some more recommendations of what to get.

The thing is usually people get a shortlist, which you can get here, but the final choice is usually via hearing the system, which in your case won't be possible as it's a surprise.

In terms of upgrading you could maybe look to get a cheaper surround amplifier as a processor, and maximise speaker spend, to let your boyfriend add other power amplifiers to it as an upgrade later, but that's about it really. You need an amp and speakers, and any other kind of upgrading would replace something.

Thanks for your reply.

It will mainly be used for movies, and is for a medium sized room. Somebody has recommended the Yamaha 1065 amp so really its a case of which speakers will compliment this. Would prefer the smaller more stylish speakers as we do not currently have a lot of room. The idea is to relegate this to the bedroom when we have a bigger place and upgrade the speakers at that point.

Does this help?

I've never heard the 1065 but believe it is supposed to be good, althought there are a few alternatives at the price.

I'd take a look at the Tannoy Arena if you like the styling, for a small well-performing package. They were originally about £1600+ with stands, and were 5* in WHFat that price.

I demod them, (and actually have them), and found them better than the B&W MT-30, and much better than the KEF 3005SE. I could hear a lot more film detail with the Arena, and the sound was very cohesive and cinema-like. It could even be an option to upgrade with bigger Tannoy speakers and still keep some of the Arena satellites in future, as they all use the same dual concentric drivers and should have a similar tone.

The Arena was also good for music whereas the 3005SE just wasn't.

Also, the Arena is available without stands for £399 from Richer Sounds at the moment, which is something of a bargain, and means you haven't spent too much if you will soon be moving them into a bedroom.
thanks for all of your help! It is so hard trying to find something that will do the job ... I just dont have a clue where to start ... 🙂
I don't think you'll go far wrong if you're getting advice on various forums, and keep an eye on all the reviews. There's always a chance there may have been something better, but you shouldn't end up with something rubbish.

You've got to set an upper limit and stick to it though, or there's always something slightly better if you spend a bit more cash.

I wonder if you might be better sticking to something just OK but cheap if you're soon to be moving it to the bedroom, and keeping the money for when you get the "real" setup? (Though I think the Arena is both great and cheap at the moment - you'd need some high end style speakers or good mid-range full size speakers to better it I reckon).

But if the Arena's not your cup of tea, there are some Jamo speakers generally recognised as the best budget "style" option, and things like the Mission M-cubes that have come right down in prioce since they were released.
Have a look at the Monitor Audio speakers. They're known to pair very well with Yamaha receivers & come in many colours.




Although I'm not sure how to connect the Yamaha receiver to the PC

Although I'm not sure how to connect the Yamaha receiver to the PC

That will depend on the configuration of the sound card/on-board audio.

Have a peek at this diagram that relates to the sockets on the back of the PC: http://www.redherring.me.uk/Pix/Asus_P6T-Deluxe_Rear_Panel.jpg

It is quite possible the PC could have digital audio out - optical (#16) or coax (#2) connections. This can then be connected like any other source.

If there's a bunch of green/blue/pink and possibly black and yellow 3.5mm mini-jack sockets then things get a little more complicated (#6-11).
It is normal the blue one (#8) of the bunch is a sterio line-out requiring a single 3.5mm mini-jack to composite cable.
The green (#9) tends to be the front pair for 5.1, yellow (#6) the rear pair and black (#7) the sub/centre. This would require 3x 3.5mm mini-jack to composite cables. However this can vary between PC's.
I've one (ancient) sound card that can output full digi 5.1 via a single 3.5mm mini-jack!
If you're looking at only having this multi-coloured mayhem the amp will need 6-channel analogue inputs.

If the OP can have a stealthy peek at the back of her dearest's PC I hope she'll find #2 or #16 as this would be considerably simpler!

EDIT: Just had a thought. Some modern graphics cards will output HD Audio via HDMI which would make the whole audio solution easier still. Problem then comes in the form of quizzing the one person who you don't want to speak to!

Dreama does a stealth check on the rear of the PC reveal an HDMI socket? If so you'll just need an HDMI cable like most modern devices.
As Big Boss said the Monitor Audio Radius serious are probably very serious contenders what hi fi gave them a superb score and they are highly rated all over have a good look around but i'd imagine they'd be hard to beat. Try talking to Rick at Musicraft in Derby he's on the forum too but he'll give you some good solid advice as always..... and most importantly honest advice as i'm sure some members on this forum can vouch for.

Ok so there is a HDMI socket ... does this help?

Also after a bit of subtle investigating I discovered what my partner is trying to get away from is the classic home cinema which is great for movies but poor for music ... he wants one that is great for movies but can also sound good when turned up loud for music. He also indicated he doesnt want it to include a dvd player (?) and he wants to get a CD seperate for it also. It would be useful to be able to connect an ipod aswell whilst he is perfecting a touch screen program he is making to link into all the music and movies on the PC. Also he mentioned black speakers - two large and 3 small?

Ok so to be fair my budget can stretch to £1200 max ... which doesnt have to include the CD seperate as this can be added later on if necessary. Anyone recommend the best amp and speakers that i can get for this budget?

I need to either order online or get from Richer Sounds as I live on the very 'selective stores' Isle of Wight!

Thanks 🙂
I just want to put my 2 cents in here but I think you are making a bad mistake buying him a system without his input.

It is one thing If he had said, "I really like this item or component" and then you got it. I would then say you are on the right track.

But when it comes down to this stuff, he has to go and listen to it and see for himself. I am married and my wife would NEVER just go and buy something with out my opinion on it. I would apreciate it, but she would then get from me if I had known you were going to get me this, then I would have gotten this instead.

My suggestion to you is stop now and look for something else...or get the info on what to narrow it down to and take him to listen to it.he might say he will add some extra money and get a different system. By the way it is very nice that you would do this for him.

good luck either way


Ok so there is a HDMI socket ... does this help?

Also after a bit of subtle investigating I discovered what my partner is trying to get away from is the classic home cinema which is great for movies but poor for music ... he wants one that is great for movies but can also sound good when turned up loud for music. He also indicated he doesnt want it to include a dvd player (?) and he wants to get a CD seperate for it also. It would be useful to be able to connect an ipod aswell whilst he is perfecting a touch screen program he is making to link into all the music and movies on the PC. Also he mentioned black speakers - two large and 3 small?

Ok so to be fair my budget can stretch to £1200 max ... which doesnt have to include the CD seperate as this can be added later on if necessary. Anyone recommend the best amp and speakers that i can get for this budget?

I need to either order online or get from Richer Sounds as I live on the very 'selective stores' Isle of Wight!

Thanks 🙂

Monitor Audio speakers are excellent for music as well.

So your budget is £1200 for both amp & speakers?

The Radius HD range is the newer range, but the older Radius range also is very good & well within your budget, along with a Yamaha or Denon amp: http://www.petertyson.co.uk/ebuttonz/speakerpackages/monitoraudio/index.shtml

Your second option is to look at one box home cinema systems

They're not the last word in music, but sound decent. The Arcam system on that page will be the best for music, but it may just creep above your budget.

To be honest, you'll have to get your partner in the picture to select the best system.

If you go to a local specialist hi-fi dealer, you'll get to demo some systems which will help you decide what's best for you.


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