Where would you look to improve??


New member
Dec 27, 2011
My set up is below.

I may have around 4 to 5k to spend very soon on some new gear.

I am happy with the sound from the system. My only criticism is sometimes the treble can be a tad bright, but thats not really a problem.

I know people will ask why i want to change. There is no partticular reason other than when cash is available I tend to do a bit of upgrading.

The CD transport will not be changed as it will get used less and less.

I was thinking speakers or the network player. Like the Naim stuff but would not match my system so cant see myself going down this route.Prefer floorsranders although I do struggle to get them far enough apart according to the experts.

Room is about 10ft x 16ft.

Some initial ideas would be great.
Womaz said:
My set up is below.

I may have around 4 to 5k to spend very soon on some new gear.

I am happy with the sound from the system. My only criticism is sometimes the treble can be a tad bright, but thats not really a problem.

I know people will ask why i want to change. There is no partticular reason other than when cash is available I tend to do a bit of upgrading.

The CD transport will not be changed as it will get used less and less.

I was thinking speakers or the network player. Like the Naim stuff but would not match my system so cant see myself going down this route.Prefer floorsranders although I do struggle to get them far enough apart according to the experts.

Room is about 10ft x 16ft.

Some initial ideas would be great.

Tricky without hearing your set-up. I think it'll have to be a process of elemination. I would start with speakers, then the amp and so on...
Womaz, you should have a pretty decent sounding system there already. If I had your set-up I think I'd try a few different speakers.

I could pop round your place with something that you might or might not like with your system in your room.

Or if you let me know in advance I could put some extra speakers in the car on top of my ultra budget ones I'm taking to the Scalford show next Sunday 2nd March and you could bring none some or all of your system along and we could spend a couple of hours trying various combinations to see if this helps you in your next buying decision.
Deffo the speakers if brightness is your problem, amp is deckchairs on the Titanic stuff

Try Harbeth or Spendor, they should be fine, or mayber the more expensive Neats.
altruistic.lemon said:
The problem is the speakers are a bit bright. How is throwing a pile of money at the amp going to help?

Did you really say that....?

Have I taught you nothing........ :?

Reminds me of the old joke, "You can always tell an Australian, but....................."
How About changing your M6i for an Electrocompamiet ECi 3 integrated if you want to really hear what those PMC 23's are capable of .

There should be a dramatic increase in dynamic power and control especially in the lower frequencies , much more general detail with better image depth and layering and a wonderful sense of truthfulness to the sound that just pulls you into the music and makes it sound real .

Electrocompaniet ultra reliability is another bonus , you could reasonably expect at least 20 years trouble free pleasure .

If you want to spend more just move up the range for more of the same 🙂


A couple of reviews if you are interested 🙂



There has been a price increase since the Tech radar review .

The only downside that I can see is that it will not visually match the rest of your system but I am sure that could be remedied at a later date 😉 🙂 .

You have nothing to lose by giving it a try .
altruistic.lemon said:
The problem is the speakers are a bit bright. How is throwing a pile of money at the amp going to help?

That assumes all amps will sound the same through those speakers.....which ime is not the case.

The brightness isn't a major concern - "I am happy with the sound from the system. My only criticism is sometimes the treble can be a tad bright, but thats not really a problem."
Hi all.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I wont have the cash for a few months so the second hand stuff will probably go. Also wold mean hassle for me trying to sell my stuff too.

The AMS35 amp is an interesting option as its obvioulsy a major step up from my M6i and its same manufacturer.

I only replaced amp amd speakers 2 years ago so its hard to know what made the big difference. I do love the systame as a whole, but yes I wished I had waited another couple of years as I would have had some proper cash to throw at it.

My gut feeling is the speakers, but my knowledge of hi fi is not brilliant thats why i look for guidance. Also as daft as it might sound my system is silver so would have to match 🙂

Any speakers that people think would match my system.?

If i do have 4K i was thinking all of that cash on one item as opposed to a few changes.

My dealer reckons the network player should probably be replaced but on this occasion I am less convinced on this.
I know everyone says they have a varied musical taste but I really do. Jazz and Classical are the only stuff I cant really get away with.

Examples, last few CD purchases.


Kanye West

Green Day

Patty Griffin

Hed Kandi dance music.

Love female vocals and acoustic guitar as my system sound especially good with this in my opinion.

Will google the Harbeths
Womaz said:
I know everyone says they have a varied musical taste but I really do. Jazz and Classical are the only stuff I cant really get away with.

Examples, last few CD purchases.


Kanye West

Green Day

Patty Griffin

Hed Kandi dance music.

Love female vocals and acoustic guitar as my system sound especially good with this in my opinion.

Will google the Harbeths

Sounds like you were made for Harbeths then.



Macspur said:
Womaz said:
I know everyone says they have a varied musical taste but I really do. Jazz and Classical are the only stuff I cant really get away with.

Examples, last few CD purchases.


Kanye West

Green Day

Patty Griffin

Hed Kandi dance music.

Love female vocals and acoustic guitar as my system sound especially good with this in my opinion.

Will google the Harbeths

Sounds like you were made for Harbeths then.




Not floorstanders though, I do prefer them as my hifi has to be in my living room and looks are important I am afraid. Thanks though.
If you have a few months, spend the time demoing very different options eg:

- Valve amps (like Icon Audio) + Harbeth (or Spendor D7)

- SS Class A like Sugden IA-4 and AMS 35i + Proac

- Linn Majik DSM + Kef R500 / 700

- Devialet + Sonus Faber

This way, you will gain great experience and have a good idea where to turn.
CnoEvil said:
If you have a few months, spend the time demoing very different options eg:

- Valve amps (like Icon Audio) + Harbeth

- SS Class A like Sugden IA-4 and AMS 35i + Proac

- Linn Majik DSM + Kef R500 / 700

- Devialet + Sonus Faber

This way, you will gain great experience and have a good idea where to turn.

Not so sure valve amps are for me....the other suggestions look interesting. Will probably struggle to demo some of those though as up in NE. Not a lot of dealers up here. Good idea to do a few demos though as money not here yet.

Again though as stated my gut feeling is to just replace one item for now. Maybe in a couple of years the other.
I think you should start with your M1 Click, i think you can do much better with source, like a Linn sneaky or a Majik DS, can try as well a USB DAC like T+A DAC8 or a Lindemann Music book 10 or 20 it depends if you stream through ethernet or use the USB.

Lindemann music book you will find to litle in the net to read about but if you have a near by dealer go hear it!
Womaz said:
Again though as stated my gut feeling is to just replace one item for now. Maybe in a couple of years the other.

It is still worth listening to different Amp / Speaker synergies to see what works.....even if it's going to take several bites.

I listed examples of combinations that I think will work well together, but it's only a guide.
CnoEvil said:
If you have a few months, spend the time demoing very different options eg:

- Valve amps (like Icon Audio) + Harbeth (or Spendor D7)

- SS Class A like Sugden IA-4 and AMS 35i + Proac

- Linn Majik DSM + Kef R500 / 700

- Devialet + Sonus Faber

This way, you will gain great experience and have a good idea where to turn.

I also should have listed

- Electrocompaniet + PMC

- Pathos + Vienna Acousyics / Kudos
Again many thanks for all of the help.

Although I dont have the cash for another three months or so I just dont have the time to audition that many different systems. its also difficult up here as really only 2 dealers and one of them pushes Linn on to me no matter what i am looking for.

I think in my own head it will be a speaker replacement as I love the MF signature. If I get a say 4k speaker then next year the amp could be upgraded to either the AMS or the other MF amp that sits in the middle of these value wise.

I do like the PMC but for 4k ish I would imagine I could better it by some way.


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