Where is the AC filter the most effective?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
So I bought this little filter. The dealer told me to try it out for 2 weeks if not completely satisfied he'll give me my money back.

This is the filter I'm talking about: www.seecaudio.nl, the one on the right side (HQSN-4U).

What I'd like to know is where should I place it for optimum results? The dealer told me to put it in between my Cyrus 8se and the mainsblock. Made the sound much thinner imo. The manual of the filter says it should be used as the main powercord for my mainsblock. To my ears this sounds better.

But my dealer keeps saying that the it can affect the sound of the amp if I use it this way. He is convinced it should be used as the powercord for the CD player.

Anyone can give me some advice?
hes right thats what a lot of amplifier manufacturers say

up to you though if you think it makes a difference then put it with the component that it makes sound the best
one off:
hes right thats what a lot of amplifier manufacturers say

up to you though if you think it makes a difference then put it with the component that it makes sound the best

Really? It's not connected directly to my amp though. I'm using it as the powercord of my mainsblock.
SlickenSmooth:Really? It's not connected directly to my amp though. I'm using it as the powercord of my mainsblock.

If you use this on your mains block, everything connected to your mains block is affected by the AC filter. The problem is that the filter is only rated at 850 watts, 3.6 amps... that's not enough to handle the current likely to be required by everything you have connected to your mains block. It appears that this filter is only intended to be used by one low current component, like your CD player. If you want a filter to handle the current required by all your equipment, you'll need one of their bigger, more expensive models.
OK got it. So I put it back on the CD player. Will test it thoroughly. It seems to make the music quieter but maybe not for the better. Maybe I should trade it for a good mains cable like the Wireworld Aurora. Is about the same price.
I many way, Filter can suck away the life of a well balance hifi system. If you have a Main problem, the most effective way is either have a dedicate main spur or buy a power regenerators with battery pack so you can run your system off battery, not the main.
Thaiman: Filter can suck away the life of a well balance hifi system.

Thaiman ... I always enjoy reading your posts .... you have a way with words .... am looking strangely at my Tacima now and 'wondering' ?
Thaiman:I many way, Filter can suck away the life of a well balance hifi system. If you have a Main problem, the most effective way is either have a dedicate main spur or buy a power regenerators with battery pack so you can run your system off battery, not the main.

Sometimes the music is gone for a sec like there's not enough electricity. It doesn't happen every listening session so it doesn't bother me enough to fix it immediately. Is that a main problem? What are examples of dedicated mains?

I bought the filter for less noise. But it indeed seems to suck some life away from my Cyrus/ system.

This whole electricity thing is fairly new to me so maybe I'm asking some stupid things..
I tried the tacima and a bt mains conditioning unit (125VA and 500VA) on my whole hifi, and on combinations of components, for about a month with each.

At my old place, the tacima produced improvements in sound quality. In my new place, whilst it did make the music cleaner I preferred the hifi without (greater dynamics).

The tacima is now attached to the tv and the BT125V is on my sub. The BT500VA is gathering dust in the bedroom (and hostile intentions from the missus).

If it sounds like there is a dropout in your mains supply, I doubt a mains conditioner would sort it out as the conditioner only alters the phase or RF of the electricity flowing. If the sound 'drops out', I would be looking at the components or the electricity supply. Or a cable connection problem?
Hmm Interesting comments about filters.

About the filter they say the following:

Uncompromised technology was used. Making use of this new AC-Inline
filter system designed by SEEC for professional applications is
strongly advised by audiophiles, because the original line frequency
and voltage..50/60Hz..will be conditioned and will not enter the
equipment in raw condition causing also interference inside enclosures.
This is audible by a more precise/cleaner stereo impression.
Instruments obtain more horizontal and vertical staging and a real
added substructure. There will be more need in the future to filter the
AC supply voltage (90V-240VAC), because distortion will only increase.

Does that mean dynamics and soundstaging will increase?

I just order the purepower 2000, will let you know if they worth the dosh (not many main gears worth the outlay ...well apart from Tacima which cost less than 1 mm of my cable

I just order the purepower 2000, will let you know if they worth the dosh (not many main gears worth the outlay ...well apart from Tacima which cost less than 1 mm of my cable

Do let us know. I'm curious about this machine.


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