where do i go from here with 2500 to spend


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2007
OK folks, would love some advice on where to go next with my current sytem.

Cyrus prexvs

Cyrus 2* 8 power

Cyrus cd8x (although most music is lossless from apple tv to dac magic)

QED interconnects and 350XT speaker cable

B&W 805s speakers.

I have in region of 2500-3000 to spend.

Sadly i cannot do the cyrus factory power amp upgrade as i live in singapore.

Possibly chip in a super nait to replace the cyrus amps, move to bel canto, get rid of the prexvs and move to dacxp

All ideas greatfully received.
Move to Bel Canto definitely. I had a very similar set-up to yours and went for the BC pre and s300. I then went one further to 2 x ref 1000. Awesome amps and will work great with your system.

If it was me, I'd sell the 8 powers, get in Bel Canto amplification (ref 1000 mono blocs if poss), and then get a DAC-X to replace the DM (DM is good but I tested it with DAC-X in similar kit and DAC-X was clearly better). Amps would be the biggest improvement imo though

Also funny enough, I relocated to Singapore and got AVI active monitors instead as I didnt want to drag my Cyrus kit over from UK!
thanks guys. nothing really wrong with current system, i just have cash to spend and the upgrade bug. i guess my only challenge is that i have to fire up the volume to appreciate the system adn the wife will not allow me to do that because of the kid.

thfc what are you doing in singapore?
I would just enjoy the auditioning process then! I had a look around the Adelphi Mall (Coleman Street), they have a good range of brands in there and it's always quiet.

Im in commodities trading for a US investment bank, you?
Very vague.

I like thfcwestlower's ADM's and they are superb. They also have a built-in quality DAC and power to spare. As to the Supernait, I never quite got to like it though the built in DAC adds convenience. I find the XS superb though and the cd5x makes a perfect partner, visually and sonically. Whether it is worth to spend over £1.5k on 'old' technology such as a cdp or invest in a more flexible solution is something only you can decide.

I think, in absence of any suggestions as to preference of sound, you really need to audition as per thf'c advise.
I'd echo the recommendation of Bel Canto. There is a bit of snobbery about Class D amplifiers, but that will all evaporate once you hear the kit, and shortly after you will be feeling very smug that you have got amazing sound, superb levels of power and detail. All of this in half-width boxes that -due to their class d nature- never run hot and are extremely efficient.

You may also want to consider PS Audio- who offer a similar solution- their DAC is superb and is now available for £650 instead of £1000. their Dac + pre + power should be around your budget.
I would add a separate spur for my hifi, then I would add a mains regenerator. Then I would add room treatments to my first reflections.
OK folks, would love some advice on where to go next with my current sytem.

Cyrus prexvs

Cyrus 2* 8 power

Cyrus cd8x (although most music is lossless from apple tv to dac magic)

QED interconnects and 350XT speaker cable

B&W 805s speakers.

I have in region of 2500-3000 to spend.

Sadly i cannot do the cyrus factory power amp upgrade as i live in singapore.

Possibly chip in a super nait to replace the cyrus amps, move to bel canto, get rid of the prexvs and move to dacxp

All ideas greatfully received.

The fact that most of your music is from the AppleTV using the Dacmagic, makes me think that the best place to start is probably your DAC.... You could replace both your Dacmagic and Cyrus Pre with a Bel Canto E.One Dac3 or some other DAC/Pre Combo... I'd suggest auditioning some DACs to see if they make the difference you're looking for...
if you enjoy the thin, bright and screech nature of Cyrus, Bel Canto will give you more of it!

And it will add a bit of grainy harshness for good measure....


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