Where can I pay for someone to connect my devices?!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
H. I wondered if anyone knows of anyone offering a service where they will come to one's home and connect up the various elements of a system? I'm in Finchley, London.

I have:

Sky Plus HD box

Hitachi PW2 Plasma

Yamaha DSP-AX640SE Amp

2 speakers

DVD player

CD player


These were connected up for me by the shop from which I bought the amp, but they've closed and, having moved house, I am now stuck.

I've worked out how to connect the DVD, the Wii and Sky box direct to the TV (which has its own speakes, in addition to the ones I used to use for the CD etc). But adding the CD player has proved a bridge too far, not least because I want to go back to using the good speakers - and unless I am very wrong that means brining the amp back into play. And I am lost.

Is there a service I can pay for someone to come and sort it all out!?

Thanks so much.
You have to connect the audio out terminals to where it says CD on the terminals at the back of the amp. Then the speakers need to be connected to the left and right terminals on the amp. You can also do the same with the DVD into the amp to get the sound when you play a DVD going through your main speakers rather than the TV.
Generally the store that sells these equipments, offers it as a complimentary service. Home delivery, installation. Sometimes they are free, sometimes they charge a minor sum. I guess you could talk to the people you bought these stuffs from.
Otherwise, there are companies offering dedicated home theater installation service/consultancy. In USA its a developed industry. There must be something similar in your country also. Wait for others to join in or pick up the latest yellow pages.
[quote user="Stephen P"]

H. I wondered if anyone knows of anyone offering a service where they will come to one's home and connect up the various elements of a system? I'm in Finchley, London.

I have:

Sky Plus HD box

Hitachi PW2 Plasma

Yamaha DSP-AX640SE Amp

2 speakers

DVD player

CD player


These were connected up for me by the shop from which I bought the amp, but they've closed and, having moved house, I am now stuck.

I've worked out how to connect the DVD, the Wii and Sky box direct to the TV (which has its own speakes, in addition to the ones I used to use for the CD etc). But adding the CD player has proved a bridge too far, not least because I want to go back to using the good speakers - and unless I am very wrong that means brining the amp back into play. And I am lost.

Is there a service I can pay for someone to come and sort it all out!?

Thanks so much.


Yeah you need your amp. Just look on the back of the amp. its usually labelled as to where to connect what. Its very simple. Just find your interconect leads etc and connect everything up. Don't be afraid!!


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