When smart speakers act dumb: 8 times Alexa et al got it wrong


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Oct 26, 2022
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I have both an Amazon and Google smart speaker, and I can confirm how dumb these things are. With all the buzz around AI these days I was hoping they would get some smarts, but nope. Still dumb as a rock. Between the 2 though, the Google smart speaker starts talking out of nowhere the most. It's in the bedroom and I will hear it start taking about something when no one is in the room. Sometimes it even starts talking and then a song starts playing. I'm like WTF! And Alexa can be just as bad. I have the Amazon smart power outlets and plug the bedroom light in one and a living room light in the other. Sometimes I ask Alexa to turn out one of the lights and it says, "OK", but does nothing. A 2nd try, still nothing. A third try, still nothing. Usually by the 4th try the idiot thing comes out of its coma and turns off the light. Both these devices can be useful, but boy are they dumb, dumb, dumb!


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