Actually...its a very valid point. (Not the "UK ears are better" thing.
I accept that very different market regions may have hardware differences that may be described as "tuning" after all, the UK and US have very different domestic power generation, transmission and operating frequencies. This will natually have an effect on power supplies installed, and possibly on the "sound" of audio equipment.
However, most European nations operate essentially the same domestic power generation system, therefore, the idea that Denon or Yamaha may build products destined for the UK market with superior components as part of a "UK Tuning Programme" essentially implies that the rest of Europe are getting inferior equipment.
I find this in fact actually quite infuriating. As a Londoner born and bred...but now living in Sweden, I of course HAVE UK ears!!! I also read UK reviews (often where new equipment appears first) and participate in UK Forums. - like many continental europeans.
That UK prices are often significantly lower than European prices, especially Scandinavian ones is enough of an then discover that the product I am expected to pay more for in Sweden may in fact, in a very real hardware sense be inferior to the same brand and model sold cheaper in the UK is more than a little disturbing.
Prices can be different enough in fact that flying to the UK to buy and bring back (even with excess baggage costs in some cases) or pay for shipping yourself becomes a realistic money saver...and really with open borders and increasingly open trade retailers should also be looking at some degree of price parity here!
(a random example. - as of 28/01/2010 )
Yamaha RX-V1065
UK Price (not even lowest I am sure.) £499 - plus shipping of maybe £40Swedish Price £645 (This is the lowest I could find, the average is maybe £677 and the highest £823)
Clearly Swedish retailers think that the Swedish buyer is an utter muppet, because not even the higher rate of VAT on "luxury electronics" explains this massive difference...and to rub salt into the wound? The cheaper UK version may well even be built with better components, making it in fact a better product!!
There is a finer margin of difference between the Denon AVR-2310 in the UK and Sweden of only £100 (The whole of Scandinavia only has ONE Denon dealer, they can charge what they like if they want I suppose.) - However, £100 more for something that is less good than the UK version? My instinct as a buyer is to say "No, I don't want your scabby sub-standard cast off, I'll look to another manufacturer instead."
So yes....The whole tuning issue DOES VERY MUCH matter