What Will 2010 Bring us?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
First of all, i wish everybody a merry christmas and a great 2010.

I was wondering whether people here know if there will be any surprises from the tv manufacturers.
For example; will Panasonic introduce a line of LED tv's, or will they stick with a new series of Plasma tv's?
Or will some brands introduce 3D televisions? I read that LG is considering to stop making Plasma tv's, along side
offcourse the mother of all plasma tv's; Pioneer. WIll Panasonic continue the Neo-PDP series?

I hope you can tell me. Anyway; have a great 2010.
you have good expectations like me we will just have to wait and see....

i don`t think we could expect them in jan but after feb etc

But Good things come to those who wait.....
My first want is freeview HD built in and maybe Sony to sort ther backlight issues after so many years!
Blu-ray has settled the 3D Blu-ray spec and Sky is going to have a 3D TV channel. So another version of Blu-ray players. An attempt to launch 3D TVs to get all the people who have recently bought a flat screen to buy another, and the 50% of the population that is still not high definition to finally make the leap.

TVs increasingly being able to play internet downloads via usb as norm, and more having internet browsing capabilities and sockets for storage drives.

For projectors LED DLP projectors being launched. Giving a leap in user appeal, no fear of rainbows or fear of the cost of lamps, no annoying lamp dimming or flickering or dying prematurely. Leap in quality, better out of box colour led color correct to D65, better contrast no spoke time and led color combination lighting, cheaper dynamic brightness led dimming instead of iris. For commercial cinemas 4K dlp being released, to be followed in a few years by a consumer version to replace all those 1080p LED DLPs they just replaced their 1080p Lamp DLPs with.

BBC HD hopefully switching to DVB-S2 MPEG4 to free up space for more channels. More space on narrow beam transponders hopefully freeing up enabling more freesat channels.

Debacle over freeview set top boxes as freeview high definition is launched and freeview starts to use DVB-T2 and MPEG4 or whatever, so you need a new set top box to get all the channels.

Debacle over Murdoch getting a Conservative goverment to reduce the budget and brake-up the structure of the BBC or Murduch groveling to a Labour goverment he failed to back.

Debacle over CH4 and ITV having serious financial troubles leading to to calls for more public money or to too many adverts being permitted by the regulators.

Debacle over drop in picture quality of high defintion as Freesat HD does not want to have noticeably better picture quality than Freeview HD and Sky nolonger has an excellent quality BBC HD to be compared to, and wanting to get people to go Sky 3D.

Lament of manufactures as 3D fails to become a popular home format and Blu-ray continues to fail to replace DVD as the most popular disc format. Lament of TV stations and dvd/blu-ray sellers as people increasingly switch to internet downloading. Lament of downloaders as the goverment gets tough on pirates.
Speaking of 3D. The Blu-ray association-guys (can't remember the official name) has just recently declared how the standard for future 3D media should be on the Blu-ray, which is nice, but what kind of TV do you need to have to be able to play this 3D content? Are there TV's out there currently who can somehow display it (200Hz TVs?), or will we have to wait for the manufacturers to design some new "must-have" TV for us consumers?
the likes of panasonic , sony , etc , are not bringing out 3d just to keep us happy , its to make them money , so it will be new tvs all around , the ps3 may be able to play 3d content through a firmware update , maybe the same for a few bluray players , but for the most part , 3d will need new kit ...im going to see avatar later , just curious
Spotify breaks into the US market and guarantees its future. The rise of more streaming services at higher and higher sound quality, whether that is by better lossy codecs or just bumpimg up the bit rates..
maxflinn:the likes of panasonic , sony , etc , are not bringing out 3d just to keep us happy , its to make them money , so it will be new tvs all around , the ps3 may be able to play 3d content through a firmware update , maybe the same for a few bluray players , but for the most part , 3d will need new kit ...im going to see avatar later , just curious

On the subject of Avatar -- what of load of tree-hugging pseudo spritual rubbish. The 3D effect only impressed intermittently, and I was left wondering what all the fuss was about. Maybe there is a noticeable difference in the quality of the 3D effect depending on which cinema you watch the film at (i.e. are all 3D theatre projection systems created equal)? That said, the supposedly 'mind-blowingly' immersive 3D experience could not mask the silliness of the story. Anyone seen Avatar at an Imax theatre?
strapped for cash:
Anyone seen Avatar at an Imax theatre?

Yes. Much the same only slightly larger.
Octopo:strapped for cash:
Anyone seen Avatar at an Imax theatre?

Yes. Much the same only slightly larger.

I have seen it at the IMAX in Birmingham and it was immense. my mates have seen it in both a normal cinema and the IMAX and say its soooo much better in the IMAX, both visually and the sound is considerably better. IMAX screens are huge!

Its the only film I have sat through where nobody has moved or made a sound and everyone applauds at the end!

2010 will bring us the Apple Tablet (iSlate anyone?) and that will do for newspapers, books and magazines what the iPod did for digital music
what will 2010m bring us?

according to on one psychic:

Bin Laden dies.

Quantum physicists discover extraordinary way generate electricity from water.

MP caught in indecent act in public toilet.

Important public figure revealed to be a member of a white supremacy movement with 2010 seeing a serious increase in racist attacks

Secret human cloning experiment attempts to clone famous person.

X factor in 2010 will be won by a group of friends who were choir boys together.

Britain pulls out of Afghanistan leaving only a few token troops.

Iran gives up its quest for a nuclear bomb but South Korea continues to threaten peace.

Celebrity is kidnapped and a ransom demand made.

Barack Obama expresses an interest in holistic healing and 'world healing' becomes a dominant theme and key phrase to his 2010 speeches. He brokers a historic deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
carl62:Octopo:strapped for cash:
Anyone seen Avatar at an Imax theatre?

Yes. Much the same only slightly larger.

I have seen it at the IMAX in Birmingham and it was immense.

It was impressive, but no matter how much 3D cash you throw at it a film can't have a laughable/outrageously cliched story line and be classed as good.
Octopo:carl62:Octopo:strapped for cash:
Anyone seen Avatar at an Imax theatre?

Yes. Much the same only slightly larger.

I have seen it at the IMAX in Birmingham and it was immense.

It was impressive, but no matter how much 3D cash you throw at it a film can't have a laughable/outrageously cliched story line and be classed as good.

A lot of people have been slating the film for its story line which I think is unfair. Yes its predictable but most films are. Some films have great stories but have basic camera work, but with those films its all about the story so the camera work and special effects don't matter. Avatar is at the other end of the scale, it has a basic story but is soooo good to look at you can sit there for 2.5 hours and be completely immersed. Every film has an objective, to shot an audience, to emotionally engage an audience, or in Avatar's case, to wow an audience. Some films have to been in a cinema and Avatar is one of them, i'l watch the story orientated films at home on DVD.

I personally loved Avatar that much I will be going back to watch it at the IMAX for a 2nd time - I have never done that for any other film
carl62:Octopo:carl62:Octopo:strapped for cash:
Anyone seen Avatar at an Imax theatre?

Yes. Much the same only slightly larger.

I have seen it at the IMAX in Birmingham and it was immense.

It was impressive, but no matter how much 3D cash you throw at it a film can't have a laughable/outrageously cliched story line and be classed as good.

A lot of people have been slating the film for its story line which I think is unfair. Yes its predictable but most films are. Some films have great stories but have basic camera work, but with those films its all about the story so the camera work and special effects don't matter. Avatar is at the other end of the scale, it has a basic story but is soooo good to look at you can sit there for 2.5 hours and be completely immersed. Every film has an objective, to shot an audience, to emotionally engage an audience, or in Avatar's case, to wow an audience. Some films have to been in a cinema and Avatar is one of them, i'l watch the story orientated films at home on DVD.

I personally loved Avatar that much I will be going back to watch it at the IMAX for a 2nd time - I have never done that for any other film

That's fine. My own personal opinion was (apart from the battle at the end) the impressiveness of the 3D wore off and you were left with a one star plot and a pair of Dame Ednaesque nostril trouncers sat on your face. Each to their own though.
just seen it , it started off good , different , original , nice imagery , but i walked out once the hero jumped on the back of a dragon , flew into the forest , and made a matrixesque speech about how they could beat the enemy , er , with bows and arrows , to the sound of silly hero music , while the stereotypical heartless redneck army general showed the usual thirst for blood , bombing everything in site while puffing on a cigar (i think he had a cigar , who cares ?) sorry mr cameran , seen it , read the book , and am sick of the t shirt ...

as for 3d , hmmm , it wowed in parts , at the start , then just kinda didnt matter anyway , give me a good story , movie in 2d anyday...
what will the year bring when companies announce their new models ? philips tv's with free sat, better internet connect tv's ? first 3d tv's ? who knows but here's hoping
You need to go to Japan and South Korea to see what 2010 will bring for audio and visual. The UK is a bit of a desert landscape for high tech.The whole What Hi Fi team should just stay at Japan if they love gadgets so much.

It must be the 7th wonder of the world why Broadband is so slow in the UK???? 100mb wi fi in South Korea.

I am glad I have dual nationality.
in my case more of the unobtainible
but you never know i might find a rich and lone widow
willing to help my cause,in hifi terms of course.
You need to go to Japan and South Korea to see what 2010 will bring for audio and visual. The UK is a bit of a desert landscape for high tech.The whole What Hi Fi team should just stay at Japan if they love gadgets so much.

It must be the 7th wonder of the world why Broadband is so slow in the UK???? 100mb wi fi in South Korea.

I am glad I have dual nationality.

If I were you I wouldn't complain so much. I know what I'm talking about because I live in Poland and we have got the slowest and the most expensive broadband in whole world. The worst premium HD Channels which are expensive as well as rubbish salary.

Happy new Year
ukisbankrupt:The whole What Hi Fi team should just stay at Japan if they love gadgets so much.

I shudder at the word 'gadgets' - leave all that to the lovable gadgescamps on Stuff -, but while it might be a bit of a squeeze to get the whole team in the parents-in-law's spare room, if anyone wants to pay me to live in Japan and report back I might well be there like a shot.
Andrew Everard:

ukisbankrupt:The whole What Hi Fi team should just stay at Japan if they love gadgets so much.

I shudder at the word 'gadgets' - leave all that to the lovable gadgescamps on Stuff -, but while it might be a bit of a squeeze to get the whole team in the parents-in-law's spare room, if anyone wants to pay me to live in Japan and report back I might well be there like a shot.

To be a FT foriegn correspondent in Japan for A/V and gadgets is certainly a dream job. The lucky person wouldn't want to come back here anytime soon.You get to sample the best of what is to come. 3D TV is already domestic there with dedicated broadcast and 5G phones etc makes the 3G phone here slow and cranky by comparison.

All is not perfect though, the recent Games Trade show in Japan have suggested Japan have lost the mojo for video game releases, with many software houses consolidating for survival. Bleak Outlook. The West have finally caught up and demonstrating some flare of of its own.

Hardware wise, it{Japan and SK} still the cornerstone of A/V and gadgetry for a long time to come. They can combine aesthetics and functionality in designing devices that harmonise with nature imbued with the an esoteric blend of Zen and minimalist philopsphies.

I have seen some UK A/V products [no offence]that looks utterly non stylistic and horrible by comparison??

The remote control on Pioneer A/V gear even going back to the Elite range have looked as sophistocated then as it is now.

PS:You certainly wouldn't see a 1080i Aquos TV in a Dorchester or Savoy hotel room any time soon
I believe S Korea are test trialing 3d tv very soon as pay channels and be ahead of Japan.


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