Billie Jean:
Would be sat about 8 feet from the screen at an angle.
What srt of angle are you talkng about here? You will find a Plasma offers better off-axis veiwing over LCD and if you were to go for a 42" Plasma you will get IMHO much better value for money over simular sized LCDs.
But definatly dont mount it too high as far too many people do!
Just to make a point that there is always one exception to the rule, Pioneer's Kuro Plasmas are not great when viewed at anything even approaching acute angles, loosing both brightness and colour saturation quickly. I've seen quite a few LCD that display better at angles. No idea why the Pioneers are not that great, perhaps something to do with the 'deep waffle' (yes
) structure that apparently separates individual pixels with, you guessed it, higher walls and makes colour/light bleed more unlikely. Ying 'n Yang, for every action there's an opposite re-action ...