What should I listen to aswell as the NAD 390DD ?

Okay that worked well, the Arcam a38 and some big rotel power amps , this is what i know , what dont I know ? we are maxing at 2k

Electrocompaniet ECI-3

Sugden A21

Rega Elicit R

Bel Canto C5i

Ayre AX-7E (ex-dem at Analogue seduction)

Creek Destiny 2

Pathos Classic One
You understand I'm just listening , not buying , just listening for fun , not buying , just listening <S>

McIntosh. Just sayin' - see what you can get for your budget. You might snag a 6000 series amp if you're lucky. The 6300 sometimes comes in for £1200-1700 depending on who's selling.
JamesMellor said:
You understand I'm just listening , not buying , just listening for fun , not buying , just listening <S>


Of course you are. :silenced:
It's been a busy year so far , worked every w/end this year , the sat or the sunday or both so no time to demo is the downside , all that double bubble is paying for it is the upside so I just went and ordered the NAD opened box from many Oaks , 1000 quid off and it arrives on my Birthday ; I have 14 days to return it at my cost . i'm thinking this will cost me at most 30 quid to home demo , I'd love to check the creek aswel but 1k off is alot



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