What new FM tuner would you buy?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Is there any chance of seeing some more reviews of FM tuners in What HiFi. Granted up to recently FM seemd to be on its last legs but it seems to have been given a stay of execution for another few years at least. So what are the best tuners you can buy these days? Audiolab, Magnum Dynolab, Accuphase? What would you buy? My primary intrest is selectivity and ability to bring in weaker stations when equipped with a suitable roof aerial.
If you only require FM - and why not, it's infinitely superior to DAB - why not seek out a 2nd-hand Denon TU-260L?

Can found on eBay for less than £50 🙂
Denon tuners yes. (Did that a few years ago.) But they look a bit boring.

For a bit of retro fun, old Yamaha/Sony/Sansui/JVC/Marantz tuners from the late 1970s. Pick according to condition/finish (black, silver, 'Champagne' etc) and how many meters you like and what colour backlighting you prefer behind the full length analogue tuning scale. (I like blue.)

Digital displays and 'features' have not been bettered (in quantity and irrelevance) since the Sony ES tuners of the late 1980s/early 1990s, They light up like Christmas trees, have a lovely black anodised finish and can be found with beautiful varnished wooden sides.

See out FM in style when it eventually happens.
When they get rid of FM you could always get one of those FM transmitter iPod adapters used in cars, and create your own FM station
I'd go for a Yamaha T-85 if you can find one. Mine has stunning sensitivity, and good selectivity, helped by fine-tuning in 10kHz increments. The sound quality is also fantastic!
How good can FM get? I'm thinking of upgrading my OK but not brilliant tuner to get something to at least match sound quality of my excellent CD player - thinking of a second hand Musical Fidelity A5 tuner. Can anyone report on comparison of SQ between a top quality tuner and CD player? I have a very good room mounted ariel, absolute faith in future of FM broadcasting R3!! and no desire to connect my computer to my hifi
I'm from the old fashioned world and not into internet radio but prefer the old-style terrestrial FM broadcast. I find almost no review of such FM tuners anymore, anywhere. In essense, I'm looking for help with recommendation of a simple FM tuner with good quality sound, one that doesn't break the bank.
bergtt2111 said:
I'm from the old fashioned world and not into internet radio but prefer the old-style terrestrial FM broadcast. I find almost no review of such FM tuners anymore, anywhere. In essense, I'm looking for help with recommendation of a simple FM tuner with good quality sound, one that doesn't break the bank.

It's a little over-priced for what it is but this looks great ...


... I bought one second-hand in my first ever system and it was excellent.


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