Whats the hardware difference between a "good" cd player and a cheap one? I don't know much about this subject and I've been wondering; I have a few hypotheses which some of you guys can either confirm or disspell... The part of reading the information from the CD shouldn't be much different: it's digital information and there are error correction steps so the information taken from the CD should be identical whether it's a cheap reader or a god reader. Maybe the better readers' optics will more easily read scratched discs or have longer longevity? Appart from that, in terms of sound quality, what else is in a CD player? DAC and pre-amp? I can see how those could affect sound quality. Are those the main difference between the bad and the good stuff? If so, why don't we have more options for modularity? (reader sold separate from DAC etc.) I'm guessing the more expensive CD players will also have more robust internal mechanisms that will last longer, generally speaking. What are your thoughts and opinions on this subject?