What is the best pair of speakers you have ever owned?

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matthewpiano said:
I must admit I was dubious about whether the PM6005 would be good enough, particularly as I've previously heard Dyns with a PM6003 and not been wholly taken. However, I bought the 6005 about 4 weeks ago and I've not stopped listening in that time which pretty much says it all to me. I've still got the Exposure 1010 in its box, but the fact that I haven't once been tempted back to it, tells me everything else I might need to know.

The 6005 has re-ignited my passion for the music and led to severe waning of my interest in hi-fi. I'm not contributing here anywhere near as much, and mostly in the music section, but even more significant I'm not reading the vast majority of threads either.

Hmm, sounds pretty much like what you say every time you make a sideways step. And so it starts again. Still, I have to admit I do enjoy reading about the cavalcade of budget kit you seem to have passing through your living room. Glad to hear you are enjoying it. I must say I've noticed a drop in thread participation by you, and didn't see a thread where you mentioned changing to the 6005, so I hope it goes well. I'll reserve judgment for a few months yet :silenced:

As for best speakers, of course it is my current PMC DB1i, but to be honest I've only ever owned three sets of speakers including my little actives.

As someone mentioned in an earlier response, my best speakers will be my next set 🙂 But upgrading the hi-fi has taken a bit of a back seat thanks to kids and switching to freelance work.
Well, as has been mentioned, one moves up the ladder over the years, rather than sideways (hopefully) or backwards.

So then, my current pair of 18mnth old B&O Beolab 9's.

As to what someone else mentioned as being the best speakers I've ever heard;

Three come to mind; Quad 989's, B&W 800D's, and B&O BeoLab 5's.

There's probably better, in the price no object esoterica realm, and I'd love to have the opportunity to listen to a Steinway Lygndorf system, and the MBL Rahdialstrahlers, but in terms of semi affordable, morgatage the house but don't sell a kidney class, the above three would be my personal favourites.


I've never owned really expensive speakers, the top one having been a set of Proac Studio 110's. - The speaker I enjoyed most was probably a pair of Ruark Sabres.

It is important to recognize that 'the best' speakers is a culmination of system matching. Done wrong the 'best speaker' in the world will sound second rate. I currently use two pairs of Mission M71i's with different systems, both worked on to suit my listening habits. These I use in preference over some Ushers I've sold some time ago. They, like anything else I've had and heard, have their short comings/limitations but allow me access to music without thinking about the hifi/system aspect.

Is the piont of this question not losted. Cost most people think their speakers is the best sounding & happen to be the very speaker they own right now. Hum.. The best sounding speakers I have heard if money is not an objective then it has to to be electrostatic speakers.There were bout 7k a pair.. I think it was Roger Sander. Cnt remember the model. Rich natural treble. This is were most conventional speakers fail.
The best I have owned are my current Acoustic Zen Adagios although, at the time, I was looking at a pair of WLM La Scalas or anything by Zu Audio.

The latter two I would highly recommmend to anyone with a low output hibrid system like mine or those with a pure valve amplification.
It's a toss up between my current ProAc D30R and a pair Apogee Mini Grands back in the day..
Best I have ever owned are my ADM 9.1s.

I have also been quite impressed with the Akimate Minis I have. I did not expect them to sound as good as they do.

I still have a fondness for the 90's Missions. I think between me and a housemate we have owned them all at one time or another. I still have my 750LEs tucked away.
basshound said:
My next pair... >)

The perfect answer. Haha.

My current pair of ProAc Response D1 are the best I've ever owned. It will be quite some time before I can afford to get something else. Next upgrade is the turntable anyway.
Paul Clarke said:
My current PMC OB1s are a bit special.

Honourable mentions go to KEF 105, EPOS ES 14 and Heybrook HB1.

All bring happy memories!

My Lazarus HB1's are sort of, kind of, the best value for money speakers I've ever owned.

They were dead and only good for landfill, or for flogging on ebay for the grand price of £2 to £25.

A £20 refoam kit brought them back to life. They're quite inoffensive, listenable speakers even though they don't have much bass extension, have no bass impact, and are a bit crude, especially the tweeter and not quite there for dynamics. As a £22 to £45 pair of speakers they offer really nice value for money.
The actual ones, Dynaudio Excite X12! Neutral sounding speakers, silky mid range, every little change you throw at the system they reproduce that change, very revealing, with a tight bass and never boomy.
MA Studio 20SEs have provided nearly 20 years of happy listening, so it would be churlish to understate their lasting quality. However, at @1/8th their price in real terms, the Dyns have to be the best. As Mathewpiano and HiFIoutlaw have said, I now listen to the music and forget the HiFi. Am wondering just how good Dyns are further up the food chain and look forward to hearing digitally-amplified, active XEO 4&6s. Hopefully this thread will not provoke another bout of disingenuous, ill-informed Dynaudio bashing.


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