Audiogurusince70s said:
NAD remains true to the original philosophy of no nonsense, honest design, keep the bells and whistles to a minimum and all their amps, even the entry-level C316BEE will drive any speaker with an impedance down to 2 ohms. I notice comments that some for instance consider the current crop of DENON amps sounds 'better'. Agreed, anyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. I have been in this game since the mid 70s and heard NAD the first time mid 1979 - I think it was the 3030 integrated amp driving a pair of original Quad Electrostatics - full tilt without going into premature clipping or distortion. From that moment I realised that that NAD is different, and it still is!
The earliest products were branded 'New Acoustic Dimension' and finished in a sort of champagne gold, receivers mainly if I recall correctly.
Distributed by the Marantz peope at that time, they were marketed as something specially designed for the uk market at a lower price to the then premium Marantz range. The big breakthrough came with the 3030, VU meters and all and the cheaper, simpler 3020, one of the great budget amplifiers of all time.
My Dual/NAD/AR18s system of the mid-late 70s remains in my mind as one of the best budget systems ever, even upgrades from such highly regarded brands as Rega and Audiolab only suceeded in making it sound worse.