avalassia said:
What is the best sounding, clear, good for melodies, hearing instruments, different voices, tones, subtleties etc, high end hi fi, not the most powerfully loud one. Thanks
Not one you'll find at any hifi store.
If you mean digital - you need a good upsampling DAC.
If you mean Vinyl - you need a good phono stage.
In my view the best of both of these comes from the DIY world - where all the design expertise is now.
For an amp, you need DHTs (Directly heated triodes) all the way through, with transformer coupling, driving light and sensitive speakers. Single ended would be preferable.
Speakers - bit of a choice here - the clearest most natural sound will be from electrostatics, planars or open baffles. Again DIY really has it. You need a top design, and then carefully selected drive units, with high-linearity poles and magnets.
A real 'someone's in the room' quality will never be achieved by hifi store kit, there simply isn't the technical or marketing drive for it. Incidentally the most realistic voice I have _ever_ heard came from an old stereo table-top radio. It may have looked old, but with tube tuner stages, single ended tube amp, alnico speakers with paper cones and open back the realism was breathtaking for voice, I was literally looking around for the person.
This midrage vocal nirvana is the furthest thing from being achievable by the 'hifi' of today, lessons learnt in the 1950s and 1960s have been replaced by a harsh coloured facsimilie of what things should really sound like.