Clare Newsome:timwileman:Clare Newsome:
Dark Knight.
hmmm, not tempted by a trip back to narnia or angelina jolie
I hated almost every self-satisfied moment of the first Narnia film (which I knew I would - only watched to be a good Auntie), so have no plans to watch the second.
And Wanted looks like a load of enjoyable nonsense that'll play far better on my big screen at home with a few beers in a couple of months' time! (As opposed to with an over-iced, over-priced soft drink and a cinema of idiots talking through it).
And yes, I am in a bad mood.
You need to find yourself a good local cinema Clare. An oldy world one, rather than one of these 10 screen rip offs.
Try one of the 'Screens' ie 'screen on the green' in islington, or the one in Baker Street, or perhaps the Electric in Notting Hill, where you can get a double leather sofa and take wine in with you. Or even the Rio in Dalston, rough area but a nice cinema and plenty of kebabs available from the surrounding shops afterwards given it's like little Istanbul...
They don't have the same choice in pick n mix though but hey you can't have everything!