n4d5:Being abit dim here. When you have an amplifier which can only power one pair of speakers. Am I right in saying you use a banana plug and a spade connector which both go into the positive terminal on the left channel and a banana and spade connector which go into the negative terminal on the left channel and the same applies to the right channel?
Well that is certainly one way of doing it.... I just twisted the cables together and put them into one banana plug.......
I have not had a crack at the original question yet..... I will start by saying that I have not read all the replies.... so if I repeat or seem to go slightly off topic that is why...........
You go out and you buy good hi fi..... you listen to it and it is amazing....... you then read WHF and it tells you that you can, via the investment of accessories, get more out of the equipment...... and you have to process all that..... you doubt it (is it a con? the sonic equivalent of 'The Emperor's New Clothes'?), well am I short changing myself and my investment in the equipment? But it already sounds really, really good........?
Eventually though, you want the stereo to sound better, you want to get the best from it..... so you have to decide what works for you and what does not. I am yet to be disappointed by any of it....... I bi-wired and I am happy with it...... it is difficult to describe to you what the difference is, because the essence of the question is 'describe sound' (which is impossible any more than you could, say, 'describe red'), also there is a point at which imporvements in hi-fi is not easily defined..... you know that it sounds better, but it is just a preference that is hard to point to.... it becomes 'I like it.... not sure why, but I prefer this configuration to the last'.
However (by the way I am running a bi-amped A85/P85 into Mission M64i's) what bi-wiring gave me was strength... the music sounded thicker and more powerful.... better realised. Bass punches the air a bit more.... it is not just a sound it is a force. The mid-tones and treble just step up a bit more, better definition and seperation.... so that you are ever so slightly more aware of them.... and the high notes sound a pinch richer. It is the difference between a freshly cleaned car and a car that you have polished. Both look great, clean and shiny.... but the polished car looks even more so.......
Will bi-wiring work for you? Dunno..... you simply have to try it. My recommendation to you would be to buy some older multi-strand stuff off of Ebay and test the principle first, in a cheaper way, and if you like it then sell the secondhand stuff and search for newer cable that is the correct length and more what you want.......
Good luck.