What a difference!!!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010

just thought I'd share my weekend experiences with you guys.

Last year, I bought a pair of Dynaudio X12 and a Rotel Ra-1520 to go with my Sonos connect. I spent ages auditioning the speakers and when I got them home I was very disappointed until they had fully run in. but even then, I knew there was something missing, the setup sounded so much better in the demo room of Frank Harvey. the only difference was the source, in the demo room I was using an Audiolab 8200 CDQ and at home using a Sonos connect with FLAC files.

At home the sound was very lifeless, no separation of frequencies and no sparkle. There was also a severe lack of bass!

I started to put all of this down to room acoustics due to not having a dedicated listening room. My listening room is an apartment livingroom/kitchen area. with funny dimensions.

I decided to take my speakers and cable to Frank Harvey and run them from a Rotel amp similar to mine and instantly found that the sound was amazing. the difference...... Audiolab CDQ.

I had initially booked the demo room to try out some more speakers thinking that mine weren't giving me what I wanted. So i swapped out my speakers for some:

Monitor Audio GX200. these were very detailed and had a lot of information at the top end but were missing the synergy with the lower mids and bass. I can see how these would be good for home cinema purposes but to me they were too revealing for music.

Next I tried the KEF R500. Complete opposites to the MA GX200. Loads of mid to lower end welly but vocals and higher frequencies seemed very recessed and hidden. but the soundstage was amazing. the speakers just disappeared from in front of me.

Then I tried the Dyn X32 expecting bit things from these but they sounded just like my X12 with a little more in the lower end.

The last pair I tried really blew me away! The Sonus Faber Toy Towers. These little beauts really delivered. Perfect amount of everything, they just felt really comfortable to listen to, gave me the basslines when required, nothing was added or taken away, the vocals were very clear and I just didn't want to turn them off!

Finally, I then went back to my Dynaudio X12 to compare them to all the other speakers I had heard. instantly, they sounded muffled, like someone had thrown a blanket over both speakers! I am definitely going to be saving up for a pair of the Sonus Fabers.

But in the end I wanted to try out an Audiolab M-Dac at home after hearing my speakers with the 8200 CDQ. Got it home and connected it up! I was shocked! My system now sounds like everything I ever wanted it to be! To my ears, it has cured every issue I had with it running directly out of the Sonos connect! There is now a sublime bass that eminates from the speakers, the vocals are rich and solid and the treble is perfect and airy without any harshness. Every instrument or aspect of the tracks just stand out from one another and it is as though the speakers aren't there anymore and like there is a live performance going on! Needless to say, I'm going to keep the M-Dac

Many thanks to Kevin @ Frank Harvey for being patient with my requests and offering great advice.
Glad you've found a significant improvement! How would you say the toy towers differ to the kefs? I've had my eyes on them for a while. Specifically, how do the highs compare?
I had a similar experience. The M-DAC is a revelation after using the DAC in the Sonos Connect. Do you use headphones? The M-DAC headphone output is also rather special and merits splashing out on decent cans.

Mind you, what Sonos does well -- networking, multiroom, GUI etc -- it does brilliantly.


Goat said:
Glad you've found a significant improvement! How would you say the toy towers differ to the kefs? I've had my eyes on them for a while. Specifically, how do the highs compare?

Hi goat, I would say they are completely different. The Kef R500 were very modern and sleek looking and I really wanted to like them. To me they sounded very bland. A lot of lower mid range and bass but it seemed to overshadow any higher mids and treble. I kept wanting to hear more higher frequencies from them. They just didn't seem to be there. The one thing they did very well was soundstage. Very wide and holographic but just very bland which was disappointing.

The Sonus Fabers were like sitting in front of something that had got a lot of experience behind them. The highs were just as pronounced as every other frequency. They were there when required. There was no forced sound that came from them at all. Everything sounded very confortable and really let you relax and enjoy what music was playing.

I think if you've had your eye on them I would definitiely go and audition a pair!
The Dyns are just like that, they will refect in sound quality what you offer them, the better the source and amp,ification the better they will sound!

Dyns Excite X12 are a very evolved loud speaker, a timber like no other, a luxury mid range and voice coil, they will reproduce voices in a very accurate way.

Recently i just bougth a new phono stage, and i coudn't believe in my ears, never thought that my system could sound like it is, and the dyns play a big role in all the mix!
matt49 said:
I had a similar experience. The M-DAC is a revelation after using the DAC in the Sonos Connect. Do you use headphones? The M-DAC headphone output is also rather special and merits splashing out on decent cans.

Mind you, what Sonos does well -- networking, multiroom, GUI etc -- it does brilliantly.



Hi Matt, I haven't tried the M-Dac with headphones yet but I have recently purchased some Sennheiser Amperiors which I love so will give it a go soon.

I do love my Sonos but there are a few things that really annoy me, not being able to search by year or not having a list of recently added albums etc....... These features have been requested for years now and for some reason they just haven't added them in |(
DaveyBoy1980 said:
I do love my Sonos but there are a few things that really annoy me, not being able to search by year or not having a list of recently added albums etc....... These features have been requested for years now and for some reason they just haven't added them in |(

Interesting you say that. I started a thread a few days ago on how user-friendly different music server/client software packages are. Have you found anything better than Sonos?

BTW I share your admiration for Sonus faber. I'm the happy owner of SF Cremona Auditor Ms: beautiful speakers.


Great write up, and thank you for sharing.

The SFs are a terrific choice and obviously a wonderful match in that system......I'm delighted to see that F.Harvey is now stocking them (as well as The Hi-Fi Lounge), which means more people will get to hear them.

I used to have a Logitech Touch and that was an amazing piece of kit. It did everything right.

* Could browse by year

* View your most recently added albums

* Using the Squeeze sommander app your system would pause if your mobile was ringing (Genius idea)

The only problem was that it was slightly buggy and you had to have the logitech server software installed.

Love your speakers! Work of art
CnoEvil said:
Great write up, and thank you for sharing.

The SFs are a terrific choice and obviously a wonderful match in that system......I'm delighted to see that F.Harvey is now stocking them (as well as The Hi-Fi Lounge), which means more people will get to hear them.

I had heard of them before but not really in the mainstream. Kevin at F Harvey said he used to own Sonus Fabers years ago and they were amongst one of his favourite speakers and had been trying to get them in the store for a while now. It didn't take longer than 5 seconds for me to see why! As soon as I heard them, a big smile came across my face!

I am really happy with my system now and I think I can maybe hold off maybe another 12 months max before I go back for the Toy Towers or if funds will allow, The Venere 25s.

But as Hi-FiOutlaw said, the Dyn X12 in a small/Medium room with the right electronic partnership will give most speakers a run for their money.
iamthegruffalo said:
The_Lhc said:
Cool, make sure you've got the Connect set to fixed volume.

Can I ask why is that, have I missed a trick here?

If you're running the Connect into an integrated amp, you should set the Connect to 'fixed volume', otherwise the amp is getting a much lower voltage signal from the Connect and will have to work much harder to produce the volume you want through your speakers. This effects of not setting the Connect to 'fixed volume' will be audible in terms of a higher noise floor and distortion.

The same applies if you're running the Connect into a DAC, though the effects will be less deleterious.


Good to see you're still hanging around these here parts Matt :wave: Just been googling your components. Looks interesting. You pleased with it?
My interest in hifi took a bit of a back seat last year as my DVD player(which is my cd transport) was becoming unusable due to a screeching noise. I was out of work at the time so couldn't replace it. I'm now back in business and recently decided to try swapping the drivers in my speakers. This worked exactly how I'd hoped it would. My speakers are now seriously revealing and potent for their size, and didn't cost the earth either. I'm happy with how it all sounds, although I'd like a second sub 🙂




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