I notice that I automatically keep going to the Whathifi website, just to leave it again without reading its content. I think I will pretty soon skip the first step. There are loads of other tech websites out there for me to discover.
On how a technology website should look like, this is a link to a Dutch technology website that is consistently seen as one of the best websites in the Netherlands which also does a lot with user feedback:
Also check their forum
http://gathering.tweakers.net/ which, despite it being only Dutch, is several times more active than the one of Whathifi. Just compare the easy of use of Tweakers and Whathifi on the PC and the smartphone. The differences in usability are enormous. When I just look at the load speeds on my smartphone of the two respective front pages, the whathifi website loads about 5 times slower. It's the same for the fora of the two websites.
It's beyond me how Whathifi could possibly think this abomination represents an improvement.