Welcome to Analogue Acres

Nice one team
Thank you for that, I'm someone who is new to vinyl!! Week old only!!
I preferred the which CDP is closest to analogue sound discussion...short and to the point...
noble:Thank you for that, I'm someone who is new to vinyl!! Week old only!!

Crikey these kids are getting cleverer by the minute.
igglebert:OK, I have a boxed up Revox B790 direct drive turntable, as shown below.


Ive done a bit of trawling for you iggy (day off and nowt better to do !). Ortofon VMS20E and M20E or AKG PSR6 were the carts normaly fitted at the time. Give Mantra Audio a call they will sort you out. From what ive also found out any replacement needs to have a quite light tracking force ( 1.2 -1.5 gms ) and be a lightweight cart. Apparently the revox counterweight can go up to 5.3 gms ,so you are looking for a total cart weight of 6.5gms or there abouts, as i say call mantra and pick their brains. I would imagine the tt would need a service too. Ah,and by all accounts its a pig of a job to change the cart. So in hindsight, buy a second hand project genie,all set up and ready to go !!. Then your revox can be a restoration project for the dark winter nights.
Haha, fantastic, thanks floyd droid. I've had a wee trawl myself but usually get stuck. I think I'll shelve the project for a while and look into a full service and config in a year or two. I've made a note of your findings, so thanks again!