Warranties...worth it ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
About to get a replacement PZ85 from Richer Sounds...got at a good price which includes a 1 yr guarantee. They are selling a 5 yr warrantee for 10% of TV value (£85). Whats the general opinion on warrantees ? worth it? You hear things that if anything breaks down within a certain period you are within your rights to get a replacement anyway as it's not fit for purpose.
toxteth o grady:About to get a replacement PZ85 from Richer Sounds...got at a good price which includes a 1 yr guarantee. They are selling a 5 yr warrantee for 10% of TV value (£85). Whats the general opinion on warrantees ? worth it? You hear things that if anything breaks down within a certain period you are within your rights to get a replacement anyway as it's not fit for purpose.

Strangely enough, the only warranty I ever thought was worth the money, is the Richer Sounds one.
If you want to know exactly what your rights are regarding replacements outside of guarantee, just have a searhc on the 'net for the sale of goods act. From what I remember 6 years is the maximum time in which you can make a claim, but each case is usually looked at individually unless you can get the retailer to cave in and offer a replacement (not likely), so it's not as black and white as you make a complaint and the retailer complies.

You usually need to get an independant engineer to do a report for you and the outcome depends on what exactly caused the fault, be it an inherrent manufacturing fault, misuse of the product or whatever. Richer Sounds seem to offer a reasonable guarantee option and I'd probably take it, being the worrier that I am.
If you can get an extended guarantee for free, then they are worth having, if not, I would not bother. You get a 1 year already, so if it blows up in the first few months you are fine.

Reatailers make a lot of money flogging these guarantees,so they are betting that in the vast majority of cases the product won't go wrong. Look at all the elecrical equipment in your house and ask yourself how many items have gone wrong under 5 years? Then add up how much all those extneded guarantees would have cost if you had taken them out.
If you do not claim on the Richer Sounds warranty they'll give you your money back. They just have on my old home cinema kit.

I guess it depends if you mine spending the £85 now for that peace of mind?

Bear in mind that John Lewis will do you a free 5 year warranty if you haven't already spent the cash (and they are the same price as Richer Sounds).

Bear in mind that John Lewis will do you a free 5 year warranty if you haven't already spent the cash (and they are the same price as Richer Sounds).

JL have no stock in the WHOLE country of the PZ85 & are not getting any more in
... hense the reason for going to Richer Sounds
On everything except TV's.

Richer Sound do a non-refundable 5 year panel protection scheme for 10% of purchase price and a refundable 5 year scheme on everything else, again at 10% of purchae price.

If you negotiate hard you can usually get back the cost of the insurance.

I have to say that the Richer Sound scheme does do exactly what it says on the tin. They don't quibble at all if you take kit back they simply exchange it in most cases.

That said most elctronics tends to go bang in the first few days or weeks if it's going to happen.
Panasonic are currently (til the end of Aug) giving away free 5 yr warranties with most of their teles. (inc. the pz85).

I'm after a 37" PZ80 at the moment and Richer Sounds seem to have the best price but I don't think they do the panasonic warrenty. (worth double checking with them)

On Panasonics website you can search for local dealers who are doing the panasonic warrenty so I reckon I'll have a phone round and see who will price match Richer Sounds and still do the warrenty.
If you are going to spend £850 on a tv then whats another £85? a couple of nights out on the town. I think its a good price for what the warranty covers, just look at CURRYS,COMETS & others warranty costs. In the end though its up to you.
In general, extended warranties tend to be overpriced (around 20-30% or so), high profit margin things - that's why stores like selling them to you 🙂

Basically, you need to weigh up the chance of the thing breaking down in the extra period, and how much it would cost to fix if it did, against the cost of the extended warranty. Remember that you usually get at least a one year warranty as standard.

Basically, how many bits of electronics have you had die on you in the 2nd -5th year period? for mature technology, the answer is probably 'very few'.

This is because of something called the 'bathtub curve' - basically, if you plot the chance of something breaking down against time, you usually get a curve that starts off high, drops rapidly, stays low for a long time, then climbs again - basically a bit like a cross-section of a bathtub, hence the name.

The reason for this is that faulty components usually fail fairly soon (the initial high chance) but ones that aren't faulty usually work fine (the low middle chance) until they wear out (the eventual final rise). So the odds are that if something's going to fail, it usually has a much higher chance of doing so in the first year. If it makes it past the first year, it has a good chance of carrying on working until it finally wears out.
Just reread my post and basically there are probably a few too may basically's in it. What can I say - it's too late at night to think of different words 🙂.
Well, 'basically' (sorry) - My opinion is this:

If you can get a free 5 year warranty on a flat panel, got for it. If you can't, seriously consider getting one if the price is right (most are rip-offs). That said, the Richer Sounds' 10% of purchase price is a good deal and well worth it.

Nobody can say when (or even whether) a piece of electronics will go kaput but consider this, if your TV develops a fault in say two to three years time making it beyond economical repair, could you stomach the fact that you may have to write off an £850 after 3 years buy a new one? (repairs are very expesive on flat panels). If not, get the RS warranty for £85


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