Want: new amplifier but cant get to hear before I buy.


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Aug 10, 2019
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Current CD Player Cambridge Audio 640C, Amplifier Denon AVR 1705. Speakers Linn surround but main speakers are Keosa floorstanders.

I realised recently that although I enjoy the surround sound from time to time, I have stopped listening to music, a sure sign that the kit is not right.

There are advantages to living in Southern Spain but a ready supply of hi-fi retailers is not one of them. Therefore my son will have to bring a box with him when next he comes which I will not be able to hear before purchase. BUT which box?

The Roksan Kandy, save for the Nait 5I or is the Rotel 4 good enough for the Cambridge CD player. Then there are the speakers......

Any insight that you can share with me would be welcome


I wouldn't... not a big believer in "synergy." Pick a warm or neutral amp, the cambridge cd player is somewhere between really bright and very bright. Not knowing your listening tastes I think trying to tone it down a tad would be wise.


The Cambridge CD spinner is one hell of a good player, much better than there amps to my ears, which I find a bit flat and undynamic, even the the Cambridge is "only" £250 odd it will withstand high quality amplification, a Naim and above would be a good starting point.


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Sep 6, 2007
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silly:The Cambridge CD spinner is one hell of a good player, much better than there amps to my ears, which I find a bit flat and undynamic, even the the Cambridge is "only" £250 odd it will withstand high quality amplification, a Naim and above would be a good starting point.I think that you need an amp that you are fairly sure will match up well with most cd players - step forward the Creek Evo. Very nice machine and you can buy it on line at creekaudio.co.uk - they do ex demos for about £350 with warranty and they might even deliver to Spain. Very accurate sound. Tight clean bass and has plenty of power!


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