Wall mounted speaker recommendations


New member
Apr 7, 2014
Hi all, I need to wall mount some decent speakers probably using some AVF brackets. I'm looking at PMC DB1's or Proac response D1's. Does anyone have any experience of wall mounting either of these speakers? Do they sound ok when not on hefty stands? Or does anyone have any other speaker recommendations for a small room with wall mounted speakers. I cant have floor standers or stand mounts due to toddlers and limited floor space in my small lounge.
I used to have some ProAc Tablette Ref 8 Signatures on wall mounts and loved the sound they produced. Highly recommended.
Perhaps some useful info for you in this recent thread. Just to ensure balance in any suggestion, please note the conflicting views. As ever, this points to the real benefits of conducting a home trial with the actual kit in the actual location ...

Thanks for the great feedback everyone. I hadn't even considered purpose built wall mount speakers. Now, I'm off to do a bit more research.


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