Valve Sounding High End CD Player Options?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi guys. I have been missing the last part of enjoyment from my music of late.

Unfortunately I had to sell my Musical Fidelity KW DM25 CD Player last year, and have been running my Musical Fidelity KW Pre/750Power combo with random sources just to get me by. I upgraded my GS60s to the PL300s now.

I got so annoyed without having some sort of musical enjoyment from my CDs that i purchased an upgraded Musical Fidelity A5 CD player to get me by. I am now enjoying the music - however after listening to my Musical Fidelity KW DM 25 Transport & DAC - day in and day out.

Its become apparent, and I am missing the sweet sounding trebles mostly and when the music gets very busy - it loses composure. The DM 25 was perfect for me - however is now discontinued so very difficult to get a hold off.

Looking for a dynamic, sumptuous tuneful, controlled bass with a slight slight shine to the treble (almost valve like). Timing has to be fairly good as well.

Budget would be around £5K at a maximum. Any suggestions?
Perhaps I'm taking you a little too literally, but how about something Audio Note? They use valves in the output stages of their CD players (and standalone DACs) which tend to be well regarded.

I have to confess, I have never had one of their players at home but my local dealer stocks them and whenever I go in there the system he has playing invariably has one of their players or DACs at the front end and they (well, the system anyway) always sounds good.
Consonance Droplet CD player?

Also consider auditioning the Chord QBD76 DAC - its the most analogue sound I've ever heard from digital.
MHZS tubed CD players give unbelievable quality for a low price but also look at the raysonic CD players, they look stunning.

Both brands can give more expensive cd players something to blush, but if your willing to spend more, audition an elektrocompaniet player.
AMR-777 CD. Or even better AMR CD 77.0 / AMR CD 77.1

Will give you the sound you are looking for.
Think Unison Research would be appearing on my shortlist somewhere along the line....McIntosh as well. Terrific build, highly respected - only missing the cash to buy them sadly!
I really like the Yaqin SD-32A tube CD player, it looks far-out and has a beautiful sound. Very smooth. I'm listening to some Renaissance harp music and it's got a lovely presence.
Try listening to the Esoteric X-05 or, if budget permits,the X-03 SE - very sweet sounding CD/SACD players.

If you just want a straight CD palyer, try Metronome Technologie CD1-S.
Wow thanks everyone for your helpful messages - havent even heard of some of the recommended companies 🙂 . I think its going to take me some time to audition and decide which CD player to choose from. Also finding specialist dealers is difficult as well.
Any idea when the next High End Hifi Magazine will be out What HiFi? Thx

Wow thanks everyone for your helpful messages - havent even heard of some of the recommended companies 🙂 . I think its going to take me some time to audition and decide which CD player to choose from. Also finding specialist dealers is difficult as well.

Best thing is to ask for information to a dealer who has expeience of a wide range of brands. But on the other hand, would he be thrustworthy, or maybe even have a clue which gives good sound per £? I was once told by a dealer that there's isn't much difference to be heard in sound sources no matter the price, and to some degree he won't be far from the thruth. I have auditioned a few and only had noticeable better results with the MHZS player in my setup in the players under 1000£ category. But i see your willing to spend a lot more. You possibly can get it right with that amount of money but wrong also.

Asking on forums for this can be hit and miss also, how many cd players were auditioned and compared A to B from members before they recommend their fav cd player? It would take a lot of searching on many forums and even then you might come even more confused out of it, or maybe not. And you would have to question yourself what aspects would you like to be altered in the sound coming from your speakers?

All i can say that i compared a Marantz, DacMagic, MHZS, Xindak DAC-8, DAC in my yamaha receiver.

Wow thanks everyone for your helpful messages - havent even heard of some of the recommended companies 🙂 . I think its going to take me some time to audition and decide which CD player to choose from. Also finding specialist dealers is difficult as well.

Best thing is to ask for information to a dealer who has expeience of a wide range of brands. But on the other hand, would he be thrustworthy, or maybe even have a clue which gives good sound per £? I was once told by a dealer that there's isn't much difference to be heard in sound sources no matter the price, and to some degree he won't be far from the thruth. I have auditioned a few and only had noticeable better results with the MHZS player in my setup in the players under 1000£ category. But i see your willing to spend a lot more. You possibly can get it right with that amount of money but wrong also.

Asking on forums for this can be hit and miss also, how many cd players were auditioned and compared A to B from members before they recommend their fav cd player? It would take a lot of searching on many forums and even then you might come even more confused out of it, or maybe not. And you would have to question yourself what aspects would you like to be altered in the sound coming from your speakers?

All i can say that i compared a Marantz, DacMagic, MHZS, Xindak DAC-8, DAC in my yamaha receiver.

I agree that it can be confusing when you see a lot of brands mentioned on forum like this. To really recommend I'd say people need to know how your amps and speaker sounds. Ofcourse lots of good things mentioned but system matching is not as simple as putting the best stuff together and hope it'll work. I've heard the AMR-77.1 on a musical fidelity system and it sounded really warm, smooth, sweet and groovy 'analog' sound. If that's the sound that you're looking for definitely audition it. There's also this tube CD player by Prima Luna that has the sound that you're looking for. But I have to admit I've never heard it on a MF system.
Will McIntosh MCD500 fit the bill?

Thanks for all your helpful advice. I was going to dive straight in and make a quick high end purchase - however funnily enough (and im not sure why!!)....

My system has just come together over night. Spent a good 4 hours listening yesterday evening and everything fell into place. The A5 infact shocked me how good it sounded. I know its not the right CD player in my system - but as a temporary solution - its now working wonders.Big Smiles

Maybe the speakers needed their final part of the burn in or something - I just cant explain it. The music just makes sense now.

I shall however now take my time and visit many dealers to make a decision on a high end CD player to match my system and show off the MA PL300s.
Rega Isis.

Havent of this CD Player Frank - how do you think it would integrate with the rest of my system?

Looks like an interesting player
unleash me -im scared to audition Audio Research & McIntosh! If I what I suspect is true and I fall in love with either of them - I will be on yet ANOTHER quest to achieve my ultimate Hifi

Im going to arrange a Hifi Audition Tour Bus around the UK to visit all the hi end stores I think
Sure thing. It's a long quest and most of us enjoy the journey, and at times, more than the outcome itself!

Over the last decade or so, I changed my system many times and eventually reached my current one which I'm very happy with, at least for the timebeing. PC (wav/flac) --> MHDT Havana NOS Tube DAC --> McIntosh MA2275 --> Harbeth Super HL5 with IC/cables from Chord Sig.

Happy auditions


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