Valve amps - how much difference will I really notice?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've found myself listening to more and more acoustic music and jazz lately and I'm considering buying a valve amp along the lines of the Icon Audio Stereo 40 MKIII. From everything I've read a good valve amp really brings vocals and acoustic guitars to life and offers a huge soundstage. What I'm wondering is how big a difference is it really from an audible point of view? Is it a subtle change or a WOW change? Right now I run an Arcam A75 amp which is a fairly smooth and mellow amp anyway. This plays through a set of Mission 773e speakers which are rated at 88db. I've been told this is sensitive enough for a 40 watt valve amp but down the line I'd change them if I had to. Even though they're a good few years old I'm still pretty happy with them.

Also, how good would it be with rock as I do still listen to that as well? I've read that valve amps don't have the sheer slam of trannies but again, are we talking subtle or huge differences? I'd trade ultimate bass handling for sheer musicality.

I'd love any thoughts and opinions on this before I take the plunge as there don't seem to be any dealers near me who do valve amps that don't cost an arm and a leg. It's a fairly large layout for me so I don't want to be left regretting it.
Such a sweet and natural sound, you will be spoilt for life.
I've listened to a very high-end valve system which used an Audio Note Ongaku amp (only 8W per channel if I remember correctly) driving Snell speakers and couldn't believe how liquid and warm it managed to reproduce jazz and vocals. I've also listened to Leben amps driving Audio Note speakers and found the same - beautiful midrange and tuneful bass. If I had to describe the valve sound in one word, it'd be "sweet''.

However, none of these demonstrations which used valve amps have ever attempted to replay rock or metal, so I'm guessing there's good reason for this (though I've not listened to a valve system playing rock/metal).
I'm a big fan of valve amplifiers having been introduced to them recently. However, I think you'd probably benefit more from a change of speakers. Chario springs instinctively to mind.
In short, quite a bit.

Valves are arguably much more variable in sound than many class AB amplifier designs with Icon Audio as mentioned offering some various tube compliment amps from the Stereo 25 with EL34 and or KT88, to their higher monoblocks where you have the option of 845 valves, 300B valves etc. Even within the price range of the Stereo 40, the Pure Sound A30 sounds quite different, as does the Fatman 452 - which you may not consider within the same category as these other amps but it really is worth auditioning as well.

Whilst I am at risk of sounding like a tiresome record (hope not!) - there really is no substitute for listening to a few options within your price range within the space of the same demo to hear differences for yourself. All things considered though if you decide to buy blind, you're already suggested a winner as the Stereo 40 (or Stereo 60 if you can stretch to it) would be an excellent match for your set-up.


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