OK. Unfortunately, the manual isn't on the website som am driving a bit blind here. I'm going to guess however that it's a bit like the A80, seeing as that what it looks like.
On the Arcam: press the select button. Turn the control knob until it shows 'Processor'. press Select. press Select again (it is possible to vary the volume here but I wouldn't bother). Press Enter.
Run standard interconnects from the preout Front L and R sockets on the Yamaha into the TAPE input of the Arcam (it says in the manual, bizarrely).
Run the Yamaha's automatic setup routine again (because the front L and R will now be wrong)
That should be it - the front left and right of the AV system will now be playing out of the Arcam and running the hifi speakers instead of the home cinema ones (you can now unplug the home cinema ones...).
Once this is done, when you change the volume of the Arcam, nothing should happen to the AV sound, because it's been set to be controlled by the Yamaha, and the processor light should be on. if that's not the case, start again, checking your settings, and checking whether the AV input is the one that has been fixed (just because what they say in the manual seems weird to me). If you have the manual, it may be more helpful, since I'm working from the one for the wrong model.....