USB charging IEC pass-through widget


New member
Jan 22, 2016
I want something like this rough mockup - any idea if it's commercially available?

Gray said:
Electro said:
These seem to be becoming quite popular. Those people that advise to always switch off when not charging, I wonder what they think of these. If the ring main's on, the USB sockets are powered.

The ones I have power down the USB sockets when the cables are removed.
We bought one of these a couple of months ago when they were flogging them in our local supermarket for €5.

I'm sure something simalar is available for British sockets.
Funnily enough, I was thinking that an adapted socket like that might be a cheaper (and easier) alternative to what I was planning. If I can find a back box made of non-brittle material, I could pop a flushmount IEC socket and Bob would be my uncle.

The idea, by the way is to have a small box mounted on the back of an active speaker that I could plug a Chromecast Audio into such that the speakers would only need mains power. I think A*I did something similar a while back with an "amp pack" on the back of a speaker.


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