Upgrading CD player


New member
Aug 10, 2019
My current system comprises Arcam cd73, Rotel Ra04SE and Monitoe Audio BR2s.

I have £600 to upgrade. What cd players should I be looking at ?
I've just bought a Maranz CD6003 - won the award for the best CD player under £500 for last couple of years. And having got one I can understand why. Do look at the review on this site, and in the demo do get them to tweek it in the way recommended in the review (I downloaded the manuel and printed out the needed pages, as you need to turn off the digital output and the display)

If my budget had been yours I would also have listened to the Rega Appolo
Snowdrop said:
My current system comprises Arcam cd73, Rotel Ra04SE and Monitoe Audio BR2s.

I have £600 to upgrade. What cd players should I be looking at ?

To be honest with you budget Id look to upgrade the amp and speakers first as you've already got a decent CDP.

I think you'd make close to £400/£500 selling your amp & speakers so may be worth thinking about

The likes of a decent 2nd hand Arcam Alpha 10 or Arcam FMJ A32, Leema Pulse, Creek Evo II, NAD C355BEE, Cyrus 8VS2 integrated amps would be a good start. Speakers such as the M/A RX2s, B&W 685s, M/A GS10s, Quad 21L2s, Rega RS3s etc would be worth looking at too...

If you're adamant that you want just a new CDP then deffo the Rega Apollo or a decent 2nd hand Arcam DIVA CD 192. Use the rest of the budget on better cables...
Snowdrop said:
My current system comprises Arcam cd73, Rotel Ra04SE and Monitoe Audio BR2s.

I have £600 to upgrade. What cd players should I be looking at ?

Hi snowdrop

Hold on to your CD73 and in the first instance add a DAC such as the new one from Rega. Rega's DAC will clearly improve on the cd playback of the CD73 and will also give you the option of using other digital media

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
the Marantz CD6003 is a great cd player, consider also the audiolab 8200cd - i have the similar 8200cdq and it has many excellant qualities as well as great reviews.

good listening
Snowdrop said:
I have £600 to upgrade. What cd players should I be looking at ?

None. Get a DAC, either the MF M1, a used Eastern Electric Tube DAC (should do this for under £600) or the Rega. Better speakers would do you no harm either. Keep the amp for now, it's fine and will punch above its weight, albeit more power is never a bad idea and ideally high current too. On the other hand, there's a Pioneer Elite - 120wpc, three transformer design, from 1985 - on Ebay right now in cracking condition for £240 and that's a top deal. It'll provide far better control of your speakers which you can then update in time. Get that and you could have the M1 DAC or the Rega and be laughing.


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