I am looking to replace my aging NAD C270 poweramps.
I currently have two BRIDGED giving 300wpc but I am thinking that I will upgrade my speakers soon as well (if the Monitor Audio GX range offers a good improvement over my Silver 8i)
My stereo side currently is: TAG Mclaren CD20R, VDH D102 mk3, NAD T175 (as pre amp), 2*NAD C270, VDH Teatrack (1m), MA Silver 8i.
Any suggestions?
I have found this at £550 is good value, but I can spend upto £750-£850 for the right amp.
I currently have two BRIDGED giving 300wpc but I am thinking that I will upgrade my speakers soon as well (if the Monitor Audio GX range offers a good improvement over my Silver 8i)
My stereo side currently is: TAG Mclaren CD20R, VDH D102 mk3, NAD T175 (as pre amp), 2*NAD C270, VDH Teatrack (1m), MA Silver 8i.
Any suggestions?
I have found this at £550 is good value, but I can spend upto £750-£850 for the right amp.