Upgrade from NAD C270 power amp


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
I am looking to replace my aging NAD C270 poweramps.

I currently have two BRIDGED giving 300wpc but I am thinking that I will upgrade my speakers soon as well (if the Monitor Audio GX range offers a good improvement over my Silver 8i)

My stereo side currently is: TAG Mclaren CD20R, VDH D102 mk3, NAD T175 (as pre amp), 2*NAD C270, VDH Teatrack (1m), MA Silver 8i.

Any suggestions?

I have found this at £550 is good value, but I can spend upto £750-£850 for the right amp.

Hi Cheyworth,

I think you definately need to buy something used and you will have to really hunt. Now I'm very biased and love NAD, so in my opinion, you've already got extremely competent performers there. I recently spent time with both KRELL and CLASSE which were 5 to 10 times the price of a 270 and was not impressed. I do think you can improve, I just think it's going to be tricky. It would be easy for you to end up with something you are less happy with.

I listened to a 6k BAT integrated the other day and that WAS worth the money and I was in fact impressed with that equipment. There was a richness to the sound that was fabulous.

So, my advice is, take your time and don't buy anything you can't A/B compare with your NADS.
I am looking at either a Musical Fidelity A5, or pair of X-P200's or

Pairs of either Acram P25's, or P1's

Any comments or either make?

You might find the MF A5 to be a bit brighter than the NADs you have now so be wary of matching. If you're going to change speakers then try some amps at a dealer on the new speakers and see how it goes. Personally I would do the speakers first and live with them for a bit before changing amp(s).

I reckon you can't go wrong with the Quad 909 for a powerful, well balanced and good value amp. They can really do midrange too! They kick around for between £600-£800 so worth a look. You might never change (power) amp again. Then you can spend some time thinking about preamps, passive or active, etc.
I know we have a lot of Arcam lovers on here so....

What would be best?.......2 P25's Bi-amped or a pair of P1'1.

A pair of P25's used would cost about £800, but the P1's would cost £1200.

I am looking for a more detailed and a smoother sound. and must be capable of a speaker upgrade (to a £1500-£2000 pair)



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