Upgrade advice please :)


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007

I currently have the following, very basic setup. Onkyo CR-515 Micro, Q Acoustic 1020's and a Teac TN-100 Turntable.

With regards to upgrades, what would be the best part to upgrade first?

My primary use at the moment is spilt between the turntable and streaming from Spotify using an Apple TV, but do also want the option to listen to CD's. If the turntable were to be the weekest link, what sort of budget would I need to get an improvement? Would something like the Audio Technica AT-LP 120 be an upgrade or a sideways step?

Not sure about budget, but as you can see by what I already have, I'm not a big spender, but I do enjoy music.

I look forward to hearing back from the knowledgeable folk here.

I suppose in an ideal world, as little as possible to get an improvement. So not sure what that would be?

I am happy to go the 2nd hand route though.
Well there are a few options. I'd say speakers last, they seem good.

You could buy a good amp, and you could even use the mini system line out for tape/md to feed into the amp, therefore bypassing the mini system amp and retaining the mini system functionality, its a bit messy but would work.

If it was me I'd look at the marantz pm6006 (9 over budget (in RS)i know, the pm6005 was around until recently at a big discount, maybe you'd still get one on discount

Connect the apple tv to one of its optical inputs, buy the cheapest cd or dvd player available that has a coax or optical output so you then are using the amps dac and get excellent quality audio only using the cd or dvd as a transport (probably 25 pounds). Your a little over budget bit in my experience the marantz q acoustic sound is very nice. This amp has a phono input for your turntable
Thanks for that.

Interesting you mention the Marantz, it's one of the option's I had looked at.

Anyone else have any thoughts?
I'd agree that buying better speakers in your case probably won't get the best from them rigged up to a microsystem. The advice you've been given to try to seek a good deal on a decent amp with a DAC is a good one. You can stream to it using your ATV, or buy the cheapest DVD or CD player you can find with an optical out and use that to satisfy your urge to play CDs [by connecting it optically to the amp].

As for the turntable, you know your Teac can be improved but with a £250 budget you need to decide where your priorities lie.
For the sake of giving OP another option I'd suggest second hand Arcam A75. Nice phono stage and an overall involving but a tad laid back amp. If you do well it could be had for circa £100. You could also pick up a Arcam CD72 or a vontage Marantz CD player for circa £100 or less depending on the model. Add Chromecast Audio and your system just transformed. All within £250 budget.
Thanks for your Advice

I wasn't thinking £250 to upgrade all, (that would be nice!) just one thing at at time.

Should the phono stage in a reasonable amp, be better than the built in one on the Teac? And if so, would there be a noticeable improvement in sound?

Also, I like the idea of going second hand, bigger bang and all that.

andyh said:
Thanks for your Advice

I wasn't thinking £250 to upgrade all, (that would be nice!) just one thing at at time.

Should the phono stage in a reasonable amp, be better than the built in one on the Teac? And if so, would there be a noticeable improvement in sound?

Also, I like the idea of going second hand, bigger bang and all that.


I don't know your turntable but A75 phono stage is rather good. I'd expect it to be better than the one built into your turntable. Arcam will be great for some type of music more than others. What do you primarily listen to?
I don't have a huge vinyl collection at present, although I'm working on it.

I listen to all sorts really, I'm trying to build an eclectic collection. So far it's a mixture of charity shop finds and new purchases, rock, pop, indie, blues, hip-hop, soul.......

I listen to alot of new stuff over Spotify, so I quite like the idea of the amp route with built in DAC. So maybe new amp first and the rest to follow.
Best bang for buck will be second hand. There's not going to be many amps with built in dac in that budget. Nowadays you can pick up dac for around £50 so I'd suggest go with the best amp you can and then add to it as funds allow.
Hi. I aggree with the others that your speakers should be the last to upgrade. Marantz PM 6004 / 6005 / 6006 should be nice upgrades, since they have pretty good phono-stages. Or, if you like a warmer sound, Nad C316 bee - but no phonostage there.

Or, you could up your budget and get something you'll be pleased with for a longer while, like Arcam A19 (especially since the price drops, or SH if you can find one).

Not familiar with your tt, but the AT lp 120, if you're lucky to find one without a wobbly platter, is ok I guess. Or, you could look at the AT LP5 and slap a 400mlb cartridge on it. (care with the in-built phonostages on these, do NOT plug them into the phono in sockets on your amp, if it has one).
If it was me I would get rid of you amp and speakers.go for the denon m40 with a new pair of Q acoustics it's a little more expensive but one the will last the next 10 years.the denon is a master peace at £170


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