unitiqute & connectivity to legacy kit.


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I'm upgrading from old separates. I'd like a NaimUniti - but not £2.5k's worth. So, im looking at the Solo Neo , and now, the UnitiQute.

I have an old, very basic turntable. I would like to have the option continue to play vinyl but I'm not going to buy another turntable - I don't use it enough.

But, I'd also need to play CD's - to be used far more than the network streaming. At least for a while ( old habits die hard ).

I'm not adverse to replacing the Cd player ( an Ariston maxim cd from the early 90's, always had a nice sound but anoying 'chirrupping' transport).

So, with the addition of a cheap phono stage, could I connect my turntable to the UnitiQute ( quality sound is not an issue here -just the ability to play vinyl ) . And then, how would I connect a CD too? - would this go to a digital input? do all cd's have digital outputs now?

thanks for your help here.
Not too sure what 'legacy kit' means, but yes, you could connect a turntable to the UnitiQute using a phono stage, which would connect to the analogue inputs available to the rear of the Naim.


And yes, you can connect a CD player via one of the four digital inputs – two optical, two electrical – the Naim provides; just about every CD player has a digital output.
Thanks Andrew. Your help is really appreciated.

The UnitiQute is looking the favourite now. If Arcam reduced the Solo Neo by £200 it migh make a difference but the unitiqute is just so...... qute!

'legacy kit' these days seems to be anything over a year old! I'm struggling to catch up with it all.
well i took the plunge and got a unitiqute.

it's a lovely bit of kit. its just so simple to use. and that 30w is the loudest 30w i've ever experienced!

now to partner it with other decent stuff. This could be an expensive journey.

I've got my eye on a set of Tangent L6 speakers - they look lovely and the spec looks topgood - i'm just having difficulty finding a stockist.

i need small speakers - the smaller the better.I have some Acoustics research M1's . they are lovely and clean - but id like a like bit more depth.
spiny norman said:
rimmer said:
I can recommend the Kef LS50s. They sound fantastic on my Unitiqute

Not even sure KEF had launched the LS50s the last time anyone commented on this thread. ;-)

The fact that this individual has made just one post, and named himself after a character from red dwarf, makes me suspicious.
I found the sound of the UnitiQute to be a little flat sounding and added a NAP 100 and disabled the internal amplification of the Qute. Driving PMC Twenty.23 speakers it made a huge positive difference to the sound.

In terms of plugging in CD players etc, as has already been mentioned, it's very simple but don't sell the Qute short... feed it some 192/24 content from HD Tracks and it is astonishingly good.


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