TVs software driven?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2019
could we reach a point one day where |TVs and mobiles phone are not "software driven anymore ie they do not need any software at all o at least limit the use of it ? lover the years the tvs has become more reliant on software to drive the hard ware inside the devices .
maybe the internet now is on its last 10 years and make downloads a thing of the past . Reading from information given by experts, the internet has only ten years of life in it and so would down loads flor modern tvs .
Over the years there has been experiments on using mains ac ,to transmit tv programs and radio/phones. This was an experiment by Scottish power. in a small village Strangely that full report was never published/. why??
However, what could they do to make down loads of software a thing of the past? The next generation of Computers will be organic based ,the USN had been experimenting this idea for a while now. But that does not help much now with tvs having to use the internet to download the software needed to drive them.
i can only go what there experts predicted this year and where it was heading too . None of that was good news .something about IP addresses running out was one reason for this. But it is more than that virus taking over the net that simply cannot be got rid off by conventional anti virus . Also predicted was the next generation 6G due in 2024 late . is questionable improvement we still have problems here with no 5G service here , this is likely to continue now Any further 6G will not solve the problems here just simply make things worse Governments only want the money for the licenses not worried whether the new systems are any better. Next round of 6G ??
I'd love to know what "experts" you're listening to, or whether it's just a lack of understanding on your part.

IPv4 address exhaustion is a problem, and has been for years due to there being a pool of around 4.3 Billion addresses.

But that's why IPv6 is a thing and has been since the mid '90s (albeit with reluctant, slow adoption) which offers a near limitless address space
I'd love to know what "experts" you're listening to, or whether it's just a lack of understanding on your part.

IPv4 address exhaustion is a problem, and has been for years due to there being a pool of around 4.3 Billion addresses.

But that's why IPv6 is a thing and has been since the mid '90s (albeit with reluctant, slow adoption) which offers a near limitless address space
even if there is not a problem with IP addresses there still be a huge problem with viruses and the demand for faster and faster service and how long can the hardware manufacturers keep upgrading everything. . from 10 x processors etc etc. and what happened to the Microsoft promise of no more need for windows . Hold on was that not before Windows 7 . Then came 10 and now 11. Computers do not need Windows anymore They lied . Windows must end with 11 or will it be 12 maybe 13 or perhaps 14 .Just a way flor them to make money out of us when there is no need to have a operating system at all. Run a cloud of mystery instead . No TVs run a operating system called window or MAC , do they??
Every piece of equipment (Washing Machine, Smart Kettle, Microwave, TV, Car etc.) needs an OS to work.
Your router/modem which you use to access the cloud has an operating system otherwise you would not be able to access the cloud.
It is always cat and mouse with security, which is why it is a well-paid job to get into (To minimise security risks) as the good and the bad try to outsmart each other.
I suspect your experts are on the internet and are either well qualified and you have simply misinterpreted what they have been saying, or they are conspiracy theorists trying to scare people. (With most of them having a hidden agenda)
Do more realistic searching and understanding (Plenty of factual data out there) before continuing with your panic.
As The Hitchhikers Guide says: “DON’T PANIC”

Microsoft promised no more windows in there adverts a few years back . This would be the last one. And it was not Windows 7/8 or 10 for that matter . What happened to this promise ?? yes relize we have android but that is open platform is it not well yes and no Google invented it but they allow others to upgrade it as they wish . It still does not answer why we have to have a OS system to run things now in this 21 century . Someone one day will come up with something as big as MAC/Windows. that will change everything . Will it come in ten years time ,or perhaps it has been here and certain companies want it to stay hidden .. We now have even more reason to find it . everything runs either on OS and thousands of item use something called "blue tooth or is it red and white tooth. wow we are in trouble maybe my washing machines will take over world. i was watching a film about the" metal wars " where the AI took over everything because humans was so lazy . Far fetched? off course it is. But wait a minute this film was made before we had PCs and blue tooth and intelligent washing machines . There has to be a point where we relie on these devices so much that we are unable to live independently . As i have said before "organic intelligence is just 10 years away now . We have VR which was only ;possible on star trek was it not ? in the 1980s
Microsoft promised no more windows in there adverts a few years back . This would be the last one. And it was not Windows 7/8 or 10 for that matter . What happened to this promise ?? yes relize we have android but that is open platform is it not well yes and no Google invented it but they allow others to upgrade it as they wish . It still does not answer why we have to have a OS system to run things now in this 21 century . Someone one day will come up with something as big as MAC/Windows. that will change everything . Will it come in ten years time ,or perhaps it has been here and certain companies want it to stay hidden .. We now have even more reason to find it . everything runs either on OS and thousands of item use something called "blue tooth or is it red and white tooth. wow we are in trouble maybe my washing machines will take over world. i was watching a film about the" metal wars " where the AI took over everything because humans was so lazy . Far fetched? off course it is. But wait a minute this film was made before we had PCs and blue tooth and intelligent washing machines . There has to be a point where we relie on these devices so much that we are unable to live independently . As i have said before "organic intelligence is just 10 years away now . We have VR which was only ;possible on star trek was it not ? in the 1980s
But Microsoft representatives never said that Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows—not really. That comment was actually made by Jerry Nixon, a Microsoft developer evangelist who spoke at the company’s "Tiles, Notifications, and Action Center" presentation about Windows 10 at Microsoft’s Microsoft Ignite conference in 2015. According to the transcript of the session, Nixon’s comment was more of a throwaway line, one that he literally referred to as a segue.
actually that comment was actually before windows 10 and from what i remember there was a ballyhoo about it at the time fro what i remember it came from a certain Bill gates but i do not remember what the operating system was XP ME or the one came after ME which was rubbish or was it Windows 7 yeh well sounds like a ploy to me for people to buy the upgrade "not really" means 1 he lied 2 he is like a politician never lies but never tells the truth . What does he mean by "not really" not really there be 12 and 13 and 14
Nothing’s changed in centuries; the rule has always been that technology is a brilliant servant but a bad master.
BTW: One of the biggest failures has been predicting the future (We should all be in flying cars by now) so just because somebody says its coming (Intelligent people just say it is one of many possibilities) probably means it isn’t.
Take away electricity and the world comes to a stop as we have been reliant on it for centuries, so I wouldn’t worry as we passed your so called doom point ages ago.
Enjoy life while you can, as you’re only around for a very short time, so make the most of it.

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Of all the operating system i have used via Microsoft the best ones was Windows 95 and the best one Windows 97SE was in my view . The reason it was the first to use a DVD recorder fitted and play DVDs as well as CD what a system Windows 10 and 11 leave me cold Having owned PCs that have used Windows 2 3.1 NT 2000 IBM version 2 . also used the very first windows system to be used online before Windows 95 27 years now (MACs 7 8 9? ). they suppose to make things easier ie older people but in fact made things more difficult instead
actually that comment was actually before windows 10 and from what i remember there was a ballyhoo about it at the time fro what i remember it came from a certain Bill gates but i do not remember what the operating system was XP ME or the one came after ME which was rubbish or was it Windows 7 yeh well sounds like a ploy to me for people to buy the upgrade "not really" means 1 he lied 2 he is like a politician never lies but never tells the truth . What does he mean by "not really" not really there be 12 and 13 and 14

Bill gates said why would anyone want more than 640Kb of Ram, except he didn’t but the comment just became folklore, just like Star Treks Beam me up Scotty which has never actually been said in any episode. (The mind will always make up things it believes to be correct even though it isn’t)

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Fundamentally, any computerised device needs an operating system to allow it to function. Even when we get to AI-based systems, you still have an OS running them, whether it is written and maintained by human or machine.

In the past, I have used powerline devices to extend internet access around the house (I now use mesh). You can also get devices which transmit HDMI around you house using your electrical cabling. I have no idea how reliable these are. Given the standard was ratified over ten years ago, I suspect the lack of widespread adoption, says something. The problem with powerline transmission is partly speed and signal degredation but mostly capacity. Optical cables are much better on all fronts.

As for there only being 10 years of Internet left. Most definitely not! It is hard not to think of a facility or infrastructure that does not depend on IP transmission.
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the worry about AI is off course who is the teacher and who is the one learning . Very worried about AI as it could take over our lives an d probably will. . This is why we have to change things certainly within 20 years. that we are not slaves to this


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