TV Replacement advice


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

I'm looking for some advice. My television decided to be on the brink of death last night. Quite unfortunate as Christmas is around the corner and, more urgently, I was part-way into the season finale of Dexter at the time of it conking out.

The upshot is I will be after a new TV immediately, the downside to that is that I bought my coffin-sized goggle-box back in 2002, six years have passed since than and TV technology and its affordability have accelerated at warp speed. In that time, though, I haven't kept upto speed with any of it.

I've done a bit of initial research, but I'm only as good as my knowledge, and that is pretty poor.

My budget is £600. I've done a little digging here on What Hi-Fi and the Panasonic PX80 range get good write-ups for my budget. I had a little look on Richer Sounds website and noticed that they were selling the Panasonic TH-42PX80B for £599, including stand and speakers. This seems like a good price as its RRP is £700. However, what I would be keen to know is that is it the best option for my money? Are there other equally good and better TVs out there for my money? Also, I've noticed that sometimes it's marked as TH-42PX80 and sometime as TH-42PX80B what is the significance of the additional 'B'?

Also, can anyone point me in the direction of a Buyer's Guide? I'm looking for tips on what to look out for, dos and don'ts, etc. I feel the need to be rapidly brought upto speed for features I should be looking out for.

Many thanks in advance.

Hello If you can get a little more cash go for the full HD Panasonic TH42PZ80 as in the long run you will want a full HD set anyway. I have seen this PZ80 in comet for £599 follow link below.

You will find that normally the letter after the number is more to do with if it comes with a stand etc. And with Panasonic the PX are models that are not full HD and the PZ are the full HD models.

As I expect you aim to have your new plasma for 5 years or more then spending a little more will give you more spec that can last. That being full HD image which is what is now becoming the norm.

If you read What Hifi and read what others say on here you will get all the infor you need to go shopping.
The model at £599 at Comet is the PZ8 and not the PZ80 as suggested. It is indeed full HD, however it is missing a big chunk of the other features on the 'current' Panasonic full HD range and uses last year's processor.

The TH42PX80 RRP is £899 so at £599 it really is a steal, nothing else comes close, full HD or not at that price.

If you really want full HD, then it's the TH42PZ80, but you'd be spending about £750 at best.

The 'B' after the model number indicates that it's a 'British' model i.e. not a grey import which could cause an issue with warranty etc.
Okay, so I'm to discount the TH-42PZ8 in the Comet link which would leave me with TH-42PX80B which I have seen for £599.

A bit more searching has revealed that the Sony KDL-40V4000 (the Award winner for best 40-42" tv) can be got for £629. This, I believe, is fully HD ready, but is a LCD.

I'm flummoxed now as to which is the best option as it opens up a 'which is best' debate LCD or plasma. Again, I'm unsure, as like I said I've been out of the loop regarding keeping up with TV technology.

Help would be most appreciated as I'm currently well out of my comfort zone.

This is the only way.

Make sure you get to see the sets on a regular tv picture (SD) as this is likely to be what you will be watching most of the time.

Also, don't forget to listen to the sound, often overlooked.


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