TV Plug Question


New member
Jul 5, 2011
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Hi All,

I've just moved an old Sony LCD from livingroom to a bedroom but I had to leave the power cable for the new TV.

Question is that I have an old LG power cable with the same wattage as sony plug but the LG bit that goes into the TV has 3 pins and the original Sony one only has 2 pins.. The 3 pin one does power the TV but just wondering how safe it is?

Hope that makes sense? I've tried to find a new one to buy on the internet but im wary of the generic cables on ebay etc and I rather use the LG one if its safe to do so.


Well-known member
Not too sure what type of plugs you've got but one LG TV I saw had a 3-pin white plastic detachable connector under a screwed-on cover. Maybe that's what you've got?

Here's the rule that works for every electrical appliance though:

Check the instruction manual which will make clear whether the appliance must be earthed.

If so, it must have a 3-core cable connecting all three wall socket pins to all 3 contacts on the appliance. 2 pin cables / connectors are unsuitable for appliances that require an earth connection. (The appliance would still work but not be earthed)

If the TV you're plugging into does not require an earth (BE SURE) it doesn't matter if the plug has 3 contacts.


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