TV ariel and installation


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Sep 6, 2007
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I'm not sure if this is in the right section, i mainly post in the HiFi section I have recently moved in to a new flat and i have a digibox and TV but theyre currently running off an internal digital ariel which isnt doing very well. The flat has 4 TV ariel points all wired up to the loft but there is no ariel or booster/amplifier box up there. So, i am looking to get both and install them myself, i only want 2 of the 4 TV points to work tho, one for the living room and one for the bedroom, both will have a digi/freeview box. Can anyone let me know if this is an easy enough job to do DIY, im sure connecting a TV ariel and signal amplifer box to the ariel connections cant be that hard! Also, should i get a normal TV ariel like you see in most house lofts, or on the roof, or should i get a digital ariel? If you have any suggestions (ie Websites, shops, Ebay etc) where to get the items from id be grateful. Ta



We recently had our TV cabling upgraded and a new booster/distribution center put in. We also had FM and DAB aerials added to the external TV aerial. From what I can see, we can now get normal analog tv and Freeview through the set-up (as well as Sky through the dish).

So I reckon its not so much a 'digital' aerial as having one that is aligned properly to get the digital signals and then having a box to decode.

But if you have the set-up already and are replacing some components then it can't be that hard.



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Jan 2, 2008
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I'm not an expert on the subject but I understand that freeview requires a 'wide-band' aerial. That's not to say that an old aerial would not work at all, and your existing aerial may already be of the correct type anyway. If the wiring is in place and there's no risk of falling off the roof (assuming you're still going for the loft aerial) then it's probably do-able. But do fit a mast-head amplifier, not a set-top booster, and be careful connecting the power supply - ours puts 5v dc on the aerial downlead, I should think that would hurt your receiver if connected incorrectly.