Turntable service


New member
May 29, 2008
Hi, can anyone recommend a dealer in the SW London area for a turntable service - bit spoiled for choice, with Unilet in New Malden, Infidelity in Kingston, and Audio-T in Epsom to name but three...

No reason to think my TT needs a service - it sounds fantastic to my ears, but as it was bought on ebay it's probably worth getting the motor and bearings checked before I spend any more money on it. I'll be upgrading the stylus to a 2M Blue at the same time, so makes sense to get it checked out at the same time.

Any idea on what to expect on charges - I'm confident enough to change the stylus myself and check alignment, tracking etc but may as well get the whole lot done as a complete job by the professionals if it's not going to set me back too much.

Personally I'd choose Infidelity, just because I know they had a very good turntable guy in there, or certainly used to. Costs I dunno - fifty quid maybe for a tune-up? Thought they had a rate card on their website somewhere but can't immediately spot it...
Cheers John - yes, I know who you mean* - top bloke who went beyond the call of duty when I bought my Rega arm off him earlier in the year (to cut a long story short, a free internal re-wire). Unfortunately he's moved on to new challenges out West London way (he made the move before I completed the deal on the Rega arm, which made it all the more special the extent to which he went out of his way to help me).

*EDIT: Derek - just remembered his name. One of the best in the country by all accounts, wish I knew exactly where he moved on to!
Derek serviced my Linn in 2004 via Infidelity. No problems that I recall. £85 to pay then. Oddly, he was unable to give a definitive answer with regards to how worn my stylus was. I suppose that is a positive as it would be easy to say, get another one, as a default answer. Also, "the God" of Linn servicing, who worked and perhaps still does for Grahams Hifi was rather scathing about Derek without being very specific! Good luck with your quest margetti.

I still havent changed the Archiv cartridge on my deck, and on the rare times I give it a run out, it still sounds great.
I think Derek works at Studio AV in Eton now. Their number is 01753 631000.
jamesh764:I think Derek works at Studio AV in Eton now. Their number is 01753 631000.

Thanks for that - much appreciated.