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Have read great reviews for Audra (Xindak) Xa 6950 II hybrid full-range amplifier.

Any feedback. Thanks
In one review it said, it can handle low efficiency loudspeakers very well ! The big disadvantage is it's produced heat ! But, to have a demo is not a bad idea.
Rogue Audio Sphinx v2 Integrated Valve Amplifier

If it were me, I would be looking at one of these , they are £1500
The Rogue Audio Sphinx is class D - according to the Stereophile review.


The class D's that I've heard have been about as far away from sounding like a good valve amplifier (natural and transparent - as if nothing's there between the source and speakers) on piano music as it's possible to get.

I've hated the class D's that I've heard. I'd rather have a used £20 Japanese class A/B integrated.
Rogue Audio Sphinx also uses valves and gets very good reviews most places

It uses JJ 12AU7 tubes in the preamplifier stage and a pair of Hypex UCD-180 Class D modules in the power amplifier to deliver its 100 watts per channel.

I believe the Hypex class D modules are well regarded these days and are are used in other amps that seem to get good reviews (or though I can't name any off the top of my head).

Personally I wouldn't discriminate against an amp purely on it's class

I would certainly try and audition one if I was in the OPs situation, I would probably go for a hybrid design rather than all tube.... but that's just me. I would try and listen to some and make my mind up from that...
mond said:
Rogue Audio Sphinx also uses valves and gets very good reviews most places

 It uses JJ 12AU7 tubes in the preamplifier stage and a pair of Hypex UCD-180 Class D modules in the power amplifier to deliver its 100 watts per channel.

I believe the Hypex class D modules are well regarded these days and are are used in other amps that seem to get good reviews (or though I can't name any off the top of my head).

Personally I wouldn't discriminate against an amp purely on it's class

I would certainly try and audition one if I was in the OPs situation, I would probably go for a hybrid design rather than all tube.... but that's just me. I would try and listen to some and make my mind up from that...






Thanks Mond. Will have a look.
I am still confused whether to go for full valve or hybrid.
No-one has mentioned Vincent so I will 😉 your budget is roundabout there for the SV237 but it doesn't have a headphone out, or DAC or phono amp built in. What it has is tone controls (defeatable) which I had to have, and a sound you'd have to hear to appreciate. With this amp the first 10WPC are in class A then everything after that in class B but the preamp is pure valve permanently.


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