transferring music to NAS


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2007
I am about to purchase a Western Digital my book 2 NAS. My current set up is PC with an external hard drive (maxtor) that stores my music. Obviously my PC ( and maxtor) has to be on to play my stored music via SONOS, hence the NAS purchase. I assume i just plug in the NAS to my router. The router also has a zonebridge attached. How do i transfer my music from the maxtor to the NAS - is it as simple as copy and paste. I will be throwing away my PC after the transfer and will just use my lap top. Thanks, Dan
If I'm moving multi-Gb between disks I like to use Allway Sync rather than rely on copy and paste in Windows Explorer. IFAIK it's free.
If you're not using iTunes a simple copy will suffice. I recommend using copy from the command line rather than the guy explored interface, as it's much faster - run cmd to start a command line and xcopy /h /i /k /e /r source* target does the trick.

If your stuff is under iTunes, then use it to move its library, otherwise you'll get a whole load of grief.
Thanks for all the replies. It is only the actual music files that are stored on the maxtor external hard drive under a folder called 'Dans master music' (approx 300gig). The 'software' for itunes is stored on the laptop and PC own internal hard drive. Could i not just righ click, COPY 'dans master music' and PASTE it into the NAS. I would then EDIT, PRFERENCES, ADVANCED, and change the itunes media location to its new location in the NAS i.e create a new link/pathway to the NAS so that itunes and sonos can find the actual music files. This is what i did when i first moved my music folder from the hard drive of my PC to the maxtor external hard drive a few years ago. I assume the itunes software would remain on the laptop and PC. I don't know if it makes a differences buy i will be throwing my PC (7 years old!) once my NAS is set up. However, I will keep my maxtor as a back up in the cupboard!. Thanks once again
After some research, from what i can gather, the best way to copy files from the PC/external hard drive to the NAS using itunes is to 1) set up a new location folder in the NAS 2) point itunes to the new folder via EDIT, PREFERENCES, ADVANCED and CHANGE LOCATION 3) Use the CONSOLIDATE function which is fould under file and library - this allow itunes to copy the original music folder to its new location. It does not delete the orignal files so i might give this a go. Any comments before i do!! Will sonos automatically detect this change?
Yes; This is the way to go about transferring your itunes library to a new location.

As for Sonos, I can't comment as I don't have one.
Sorry for not rep,yin earlier, it's been a crazy day. Move as you've described works fine. No Sonos will not detect the move. You'll have to go into Music Libray Management in your Sonos software and change the location of your library


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