I am using Monitor Audio Bronze BX6's. The sound i would describe as fast,detailed and controlled with a slight tendancy to dryness. This is the kind of sound that i like but if your tastes err to the warm and lush,perhaps these amps aren't for you.These amps aren't all about power they are articulate and musical with lots of headroom (large scale orchestral passages sound awesome).Yes they look cheap (they are cheap-£160 each!) with there plastic fronts and garish flashing lights but i've never cared what hi-fi looked like anyway! The only drawback with these amps is that they can only drive 8 ohm speakers in bridged mono mode,they only 'see' 4 0hm ,therefore lower ohm speakers would go down to 2 0hm , making the amp unstable. In stereo mode they will drive any speaker with ease.You kneed to use a pre amp obviously,i use a beresford tc-7520 as pre controlling the volume from there. Please don't let the low price put you off awseome bargain!