Time for an upgrade?


New member
Jul 10, 2007
Hi All,

It's been a while since I've felt I should revisit my current setup with a view to making changes. This time around I'm looking at my received which is a Denon AVR-2307. I've been quite satisfied with this hooked up to my B&W 685's but I've now become tempted by the Onkyo TX-NR609.

Now the Onkyo is in a cheaper price range when compared directly with the 23xx series but given the age of my Denon will I realistically get any better sound benefits by changing or maybe a decrease in sound quality? I know some of the new technical gadgets are already very appealing especially the additonal HDMI ports and USB but I'm not wanting to tick things off the wish-list at the sake of sound quality. The system is mainly used for a mix of bluray and music...

Thansk very much for any help...

Franklioni said:
Hi All,

It's been a while since I've felt I should revisit my current setup with a view to making changes. This time around I'm looking at my received which is a Denon AVR-2307. I've been quite satisfied with this hooked up to my B&W 685's but I've now become tempted by the Onkyo TX-NR609.

Now the Onkyo is in a cheaper price range when compared directly with the 23xx series but given the age of my Denon will I realistically get any better sound benefits by changing or maybe a decrease in sound quality? I know some of the new technical gadgets are already very appealing especially the additonal HDMI ports and USB but I'm not wanting to tick things off the wish-list at the sake of sound quality. The system is mainly used for a mix of bluray and music...

Thansk very much for any help...

Since you say you are satisfied with what you have, I would keep the denon for a few years, by which time you will have enough money to buy something a bit fancier that should sound better - even then, I would try it first.
I'd tend to agree - you could always try the Yamaha on a home loan basis with a dealer to see what you think.


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