Time for a new CDP


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2008

My NAD C451i CDP has finally had its day. I bought it in 2006 from E-Bay, and I think it was a couple of years old at the time. For the last 18 months I’ve been nursing the tray closing mechanism, opening up the CDP and winding the mechanism when the tray would not open or close. Well today my beloved was using it and she leaned against the open tray – now it’s done for. So I told her it wouldn’t be long before it went anyway.

Anyway I’m now looking for a new CDP and thinking of a Marantz CD6003 – have you any thoughts please?

My amp is a NAD C320BEE – and the speakers are Kef Q15.2.

What do you suggest?

My NAD C451i CDP has finally had its day. I bought it in 2006 from E-Bay, and I think it was a couple of years old at the time. For the last 18 months I've been nursing the tray closing mechanism, opening up the CDP and winding the mechanism when the tray would not open or close. Well today my beloved was using it and she leaned against the open tray – now it's done for. So I told her it wouldn't be long before it went anyway.

Anyway I'm now looking for a new CDP and thinking of a Marantz CD6003 – have you any thoughts please?

My amp is a NAD C320BEE – and the speakers are Kef Q15.2.

What do you suggest?

Hi Grenwich_Man

I would also look at the NAD C454BEE as it'll will form a terrific match with your C320BEE and Q15.2's

Btw, if you are happy to consider a used cd player then the NAD C542 is seriously worth seeking out

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Harman Kardon HD990 which I heard last year and was deeply umpressed. Also has a DAC you can use for other digital sources too. Was £500 but available for £300 if you shop around.
MUSICRAFT:Hi Grenwich_Man
I would also look at the NAD C454BEE as it'll will form a terrific match with your C320BEE and Q15.2's

Btw, if you are happy to consider a used cd player then the NAD C542 is seriously worth seeking out

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Thanks Rick - I am concerned about the build of the NAD CD players. I know from what I've seen over the web that the NAD model I had was weak on the CD tray mechanism. But I've seen folks put down NAD as a whole on CD players for this. My NAD CD was about 5 years old when I started having problems with the tray, so it would have been out of any extended warranty by then. So I do want something that is a good build. Am I being unfair to NAD? As for second hand - once bitten twice shy on CD players.
the record spot:Harman Kardon HD990 which I heard last year and was deeply umpressed. Also has a DAC you can use for other digital sources too. Was £500 but available for £300 if you shop around. Thanks Record Spot

I'll see if I can get a listen to that one when I have my day out at HiFi shops later this week
Hi Greenwich i have a HD990 and yamaha as-500 which i find work very well together, the dac on the HD990 is also being used with my ipod dock which improves the sound.

My speakers are BR2s and i think the whole system seems to work well together, i cant say how good the dac in the hd990 is compared to others but for £300 i think its very good.

I hope this helps you.
Greenwich_Man:MUSICRAFT:Hi Grenwich_Man
I would also look at the NAD C454BEE as it'll will form a terrific match with your C320BEE and Q15.2's

Btw, if you are happy to consider a used cd player then the NAD C542 is seriously worth seeking out

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Thanks Rick - I am concerned about the build of the NAD CD players. I know from what I've seen over the web that the NAD model I had was weak on the CD tray mechanism. But I've seen folks put down NAD as a whole on CD players for this. My NAD CD was about 5 years old when I started having problems with the tray, so it would have been out of any extended warranty by then. So I do want something that is a good build. Am I being unfair to NAD? As for second hand - once bitten twice shy on CD players.

Hi Greenwich_Man

Fair enough however i'll feel you should consider the C542 as i've found NAD cd players to be reliable. Any way another cd player to also look out for (particularly if you like good overall build quality and some heft) is Pioneer's PD-S904. The PD-S904 should also be a good match for your amp and speakers.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Greenwich_Man:THESTIG08:rega apollo
Thanks THESTIG08 - but I think it will be above my budget - I don't want to pay more than £300

not that much over if you go down the second hand route
, and well worth it!
I have never had issues with NAD CDP's over the many years I've owned them

I had the NAD C545BEE for close to 2 years and it never failed on me; I've still got my NAD C542i in the loft and that's going some now

Both are superb CDP's and they would defintely be a superb choice.

However the Marantz CD6003 is a good spinner as well; 2nd hand maybe look for a decent Arcam DiVA CD72 or CD73T, or, if you can find one, the Arcam Alpha 9 CDP
The Marantz would be a good buy. Also if you want a reliable player then Cambridge Audio are great (especially the Azur range). To match your amp, the NAD would be close to the top of the list.
I'm going to have a listen tomorrow

I can't find anywhere in London who have the HK, so I've .got a listen lined up for the Maranz, Cambridge Audio and NAD.

My lady is coming with me - I think she should enjoy the outing.

Thanks to ALL of you for your help. I hope to come home with a new CDP.
Greenwich_Man: Hi Grenwich_Man
I am concerned about the build of the NAD CD players. I know from what I've seen over the web that the NAD model I had was weak on the CD tray mechanism. But I've seen folks put down NAD as a whole on CD players for this. My NAD CD was about 5 years old when I started having problems with the tray, so it would have been out of any extended warranty by then. So I do want something that is a good build. Am I being unfair to NAD? As for second hand - once bitten twice shy on CD players.

NAD won't make the transport ("Tray") it'll no doubt be an off the shelf PC CD ROM transport, hence why it feels rubbish. I dont think my arcam tray is any better than the NAD it replaced.

I ended up just going to one shop, as others weren't able offer me a listen to other CD players in my price range.

So I took 3 CD's - With the Beatles - Best of the Peter Green Splinter Group - and Love "Forever Changes".

The setup I started listening to was the Maranz CD6003, a Maranz PM6003 amp, and some Warfedale bookshelf speakers.

I started with the Beatles using the standard setting, then we made the tweaks to the Maranz that are recommended in the What HiFi review - I was amazed at the change - it was like listening to a totally different CD player. The Beatles CD had much more punch and detail. Then I played various tracks from the other CDs, all sounded very good.

Next I listened to a Cambridge Audio Azur 550C - it just wasn't a patch on the Maranz. Next a Cambridge Audio Azur 650C. That was better - and closer in sound - but it still lacked the detail of the Maranz.I'll be hooking my new Maranz up tomorrow afternoon - and I'm looking forward to it. I'll report back when I've done that. Thanks again for your help.
Blackdawn:Are you planning on upgrading to the matching Marantz amp?

Dont thinks so, as I've seen feedback on this site from someone who uses the Maranz with the Nad amp that I have - and they say they go well together. I'll know tomorrow how well they match.
I set up the CD player today, and I'm very happy.

The Maranz is giving more detail than my old Nad machine did. And as its going through my Nad amp I'm retaining the Nad sound that I like. My Kef speakers are much nicer to my ears than the warfedales in the demo.

I've listened to a few CDs and I'm so pleased with the improvement.

Thanks to all of you for your comments.
I thought I'd add an update...

Last night Greenwich Woman was listening to her Abba Gold CD, and I asked her if she noticed a difference from the last CD player - I was sure she wouldn't as mostly HiFi is wasted on her.

She said no - but then I said you can hear more of the background instruments using this new CD player

"Oh even I can notice that"
I thought I'd add an update...

Last night Greenwich Woman was listening to her Abba Gold CD, and I asked her if she noticed a difference from the last CD player - I was sure she wouldn't as mostly HiFi is wasted on her.

She said no - but then I said you can hear more of the background instruments using this new CD player

"Oh even I can notice that"