is the thx optimizer the best way to set up my system or are the other dvds available ok have seen a couple that include glasses but all look a bit dated.
Yes, there are alternatives, such as Digital Video Essentials, or you could go the whole hog and buy a SpyderTV analyser and software. For most purposes, the THX optimiser is fine.
[quote user="brewiex1"]
is the thx optimizer the best way to set up my system or are the other dvds available ok have seen a couple that include glasses but all look a bit dated.
[/quote]Hi, i find that the THX optimizer disc is a very good starting point to give you an idea of how to have your settings however, on the disc where it tells you how to set your brightness i find that that setting is far to bright (to my eyes anyway) & as for the glasses you have to wear to set the colour??? mmmm?? well leave it there !! ha. But for the most part use your eyes !!! as your eyes are the best judges.
thanks for both your replies will prob use either thx or Digital Video Essentials,is thx usa the only place to order the glasses from ? Digital Video Essentials, was produced in 2003 is it still ok to use with 2days systems?
another quick question when wathing sd sky + through onkyo 875 connected via component through a converter box get very blockey/juddery picture mostly when watching sport but any fast moving action gives the same is sony 40x3000 connected via hdmi from there any setting i could be getting wrong on the reciever, tv or sky box? or anything else that could be causing this ?
Yes DVE will be fine, and yes the THX website is the best place from which to order the glasses.
RGB to component converter box? I guess it's just too many stages of processing going on for the TV to handle in real time. I'd feed the Sky box straight into the TV.