This superb Roksan integrated amp has nose-dived in price – save £700!

The Roksan Caspian M2 is still one of the best integrated amps we can think of, especially when it comes to its gorgeous, authoritative sonic delivery.

This superb Roksan integrated amp has nose-dived in price – save £700! : Read more
And it is still expensive for most. In this day and age when most people are struggling to pay bills and keep food on the table, something like this is just going to go by the wayside. These overpriced items are luxuries that few can afford now. They should make them way way cheaper. If they can’t, these companies won’t be able to complain that they went the way of the dodo. To be successful in business you don’t just target a small niche of rich people because they won’t buy enough to keep companies aloft. These companies need to change their approach’s and make sub-£150 audio systems that offer good quality sound and are easy to set up. The toffs and yuppies won’t be enough to keep these companies in business. At the peak of the DVD era most people were able to afford very good home theatre systems as many DVD players came packaged with good sound systems. Now, those cost a lot more, and are usually hard to set up.
Toffs and yuppies? It's about 40 years since I heard those terms used!!😆.

It's 2024 fella, people aren't as hard up as the media make you think....

Considering the average price of a phone is about £600 that will last the buyer 3 years max before they want to upgrade I think £1000 is a fair price for a quality bit of kit that will last someone 10 to 20 years.

The number of people I know who "claim" to be hard up then pull a new iPhone out of their pocket and have a newish car on their drive, have Sky, Virgin, Netflix and Prime really does make you question what people consider to be hard up.

People like us love music, it's our passion, so I'll quite happily cut out unnecessary subscriptions so I can purchase audio equipment to keep these wonderful companies in business :grinning:
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Toffs and yuppies? It's about 40 years since I heard those terms used!!😆.

It's 2024 fella, people aren't as hard up as the media make you think....

Considering the average price of a phone is about £600 that will last the buyer 3 years max before they want to upgrade I think £1000 is a fair price for a quality bit of kit that will last someone 10 to 20 years.

The number of people I know who "claim" to be hard up then pull a new iPhone out of their pocket and have a newish car on their drive, have Sky, Virgin, Netflix and Prime really does make you question what people consider to be hard up.

People like us love music, it's our passion, so I'll quite happily cut out unnecessary subscriptions so I can purchase audio equipment to keep these wonderful companies in business :grinning:
You just proved my point. (abuse deleted by moderation.)

It still costs close to £900, and that might be a lot for many people.

(abuse deleted by moderation.)

Do you deny there are people who won’t be able to justify spending his much? If so, why are you pretending that this is something anyone can buy? Have you ever considered that there are more people with lower incomes than those with high ones, and that those people, even music fans, might have other priorities for whatever money they might have left over after their monthly expenses?

Music is your passion. Oh really? That means spending a lot of money, right? Music is also a passion for people who can’t afford these expensive products too. Thankfully they are just as passionate about using their senses and don’t waste money on things that don’t enhance their enjoyment of music anyway. There are many other ways to enjoy music affordably. Companies like the one that made this product would be better of making products that are affordable.

(abuse deleted by moderation.)

After rent, bills, groceries, and other essential expenses, many people have little money left over, if any. Yes, that is 2024, but maybe that means different things to different people.
There are people who have kids and expenses related to raising them and won’t have the luxury of spending on things like this because they might have many other things competing for their disposable income and some of that might relate to things that would be considered more pressing.

(abuse deleted by moderation.)

Part of the reason this product has probably seen a nose dive in price is because most people won’t spend this type of money on stuff like this.
Clearly they aren’t otherwise most people would have one won’t they? Some people have more money than sense and don’t see what they don’t want to see.
There are people who aren’t rolling in money, and they are the majority, not the minority, and even passionate music fans can’t afford everything. Many people can’t even afford to pay the crazy ticket prices for concerts.

(abuse deleted by moderation.)

My point, with which you didn’t even engage, was that these companies will sell more products if they made them affordable, and then they will have more customers. Those customers might buy more of their products, which means they will have more stable businesses.
As mobile phones and cheap consumer electronics usurp the market share of big companies, they need to stop and smell the coffee.
Look at the iem market. The Chinese IEM companies like Linsoul are now offering products that are outstanding and have pretty much surpassed the overpriced stuff Sony, Sennheiser, and Shure make, and they are selling more to, hey, let me check, passionate music fans. So what are Shure customers paying for? Their logo?
The Linsoul stuff can be easily replaced too because it isn’t expensive.
Cheap is good because all this tech doesn’t cost to make. I

(abuse deleted by moderation.)

Yes, to aim for the yuppie and toff market is madness. There is no reason why the product we are discussing can’t be cheaper. Cheap is good. If it breaks you don’t miss it, and and you can replace it quickly. The product we are discussing should be about £70. At most. Many people won’t even pay that. Except people who have so much money. Let these rip off companies take their cash. No skin off my nose.
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Looks like you ate stalking me Monkey man. The person who replied to me was also insulting me. Perhaps you should send a message to that person too. Just saying. Your comment sounds like a threat.
Looks like you ate stalking me Monkey man. The person who replied to me was also insulting me. Perhaps you should send a message to that person too. Just saying. Your comment sounds like a threat.
It isn't. You'll note from the sidebar that I am one of the moderators, which means I was one of several asked to ensure that members behave as is prescribed in the forum rules. You have been reported for not adhering to them, hence the attention you are receiving. Please take issue directly with moderation or site admin - forum rules (which I did not make) do not permit discussing moderation in open forum.
I have two simple questions about the good sound of the Roksan amp:
1. the sound has a clear separation of instruments and the exact 3d stereophonic scene like Naim SN2, SN3 > is it HI-END SOUND?
2. the sound has poor separation of instruments and diffuse stereophonic 3d scene like Marantz, Yamaha, Technics, etc. > is it HI-FI SOUND?
# So does Roksan have HI-END SOUND or HI-FI SOUND?
I'm not interested in the classifications of transparency and other nice epithets because I've bought a lot of hi-fi (not hi-end) crap with these labels; only for the clear separation of instruments and the exact stereophonic 3d scene = true hi-end

P.S. I can offer the upset colleague a Marantz amp and Coral speakers, both with HI-FI SOUND, for free (he pays the shipping)


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