"Why do you still buy CDs when you can download MP3s for free from <<illegal torrenting site probably full of viruses, spyware and trojans>>". Because CDs potentially sound better and I believe in acquiring my music through legal channels. Yes I know I'm in a minority, certainly the last part.
"You still play records?? OMG, why? They sounded awful. ". No they don't. You associate the sound of records with your 1980s £150 Matsui midi system. I happen to like the sound of them and the whole tactile physical experience that goes with buying them, owning them and playing them. It's not something you'll ever understand.
"Tapes always sounded rubbish". Yeah, on your £15 Saisho walkman and your Matsui midi system. I would show you how well they sound on my Nakamichi, but you wouldn't appreciate the difference.
"Why don't you sell all those boxes and buy an nice all in one system from Argos?" Because it sounds rubbish. Though point taken in principle: what would you say to me spending £3,600 on a Naim Super Uniti? Thought so.