It's not as easy to get info on active/powered hifi speakers as the passive ones, often a debate between the plus points and minus points adds up to a slagging match between those who like these and prefer passives. It be nice if this didn't happen on this thread
I'd like to get info on active/powered speakers so as to know whats out there. Often I see something recommended and it ends up being kind of impractical for home use, being either industrial in design or complicated to setup. I like the look of the Dali 5 AX, but think it's input are limited
Anyone have any input on experiences with powered speakers, the price they paid? availability, inputs etc/ This thread could act as a place for those interested to get some info on said products
PS- I know active and powered are not exactly the same - thread applies to speakers that do not need outside amplification
I'd like to get info on active/powered speakers so as to know whats out there. Often I see something recommended and it ends up being kind of impractical for home use, being either industrial in design or complicated to setup. I like the look of the Dali 5 AX, but think it's input are limited
Anyone have any input on experiences with powered speakers, the price they paid? availability, inputs etc/ This thread could act as a place for those interested to get some info on said products
PS- I know active and powered are not exactly the same - thread applies to speakers that do not need outside amplification