The Marantz PM6006 & CD6006 thread


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Many on whathifi ask about the Marantz PM6006 amp (often the uk version) and the CD6006 Cdplayer

For 550 pounds or just a bit under 650 euro it's a good deal

Amp has input for a turntable and 3 digital inputs with the same dac chip as the CD6006 cdplayer, 2 pairs of binding posts,source direct, loudness if you use that and a remote control.

2x45 watt in 8 ohm and 2x60 watt in 4 ohm is a good sweet spot, that even for my speakers with only 85 db sensitivity, is enough to make them loud and it sounds really good to me.

The CD6006 is very popular as the amp is and delivers good sound for not alot of money, i personally only have experience with the CD5005 which for the money £180 or 200 euros also is a good deal, value for money.

Why is that combo such a good deal, i know some on whathifi doens't like the Marantz cdplayer,amp

What is the difference between the uk version and non uk version besides better sound ?

My local dealer (the only one in Denmark) hififreaks, the amps,cdplayers are out of stock, i have been waiting 3 weeks for my CD6006 and wil get it mabye in 2 weeks? Why can't marantz in holland deliver the amps,cdplayer the stores (people) want, need? Is it just because more people then expected just wants a marantz amp,cdplayer because you get good sound for not alot of money?

For those who need advice on speakers and mabye cable, is there anything that is especially good with the marantz combo ?

IMHO BJC Twelve White 12 awg as well as the 10 awg version is a great neutral sounding speaker cable for not alot of money, for under £100 you can get 2x4 meter with locking bananas when ordering the BJC Ten White (5T00UP) 10 awg cable + what ever shipping and taxes would be. (you get it within 2-3 days).

Just for balance.I don't think it's anywhere near a good deal. It's a shocking price for what you get.

That's me, my taste and how I spend my money. Oh and can I add I'd not want that amp for free. CD player I'll give you £20. However well it is reviewed. But that's me. Others will disagree which is fine.
Just for balance.I don't think it's anywhere near a good deal. It's a shocking price for what you get.

That's me, my taste and how I spend my money. Oh and can I add I'd not want that amp for free. CD player I'll give you £20. However well it is reviewed. But that's me. Others will disagree which is fine.

Have you ever had a bad experience with newer marantz hifi components?

Personally i don't have any hifi brand i hate

I want to challenge you

Find a new amp,cdplayer combo for £500 that sounds better, it has to be from the same brand.

We might not know if it actually would sound better than a Marantz PM6006 & CD6006 but atleast we know what you think sounds better,.

Don't just find a random combo for £500 and say it sounds better, just because you hate this marantz combo doesn't mean it doesn't sound good or every system for the same price sounds better.
Not sure why I even bother. You've not once listened to anyone else's advice on any forum. Now you challenge me? It really is ok for you to own Marantz and feel good about yourself. My opinion about it won't change. Why do you care if I like your gear? I don't mind if you like mine...

On the challenge... I don't have to spend £500 to get a much better sounding combo. Can get it much, much better at half that cost going second hand. And even less. Try Roksan Kandy LIII with Philip's CD160. That's about £300 and both will wipe the floor with either Marantz you mention. Which leave you £200 for speakers.

If you must go new try Onkyo A9010 which is a superb amp at fraction of the cost. Then add a PCM or TDA based CD player.

Oh and Marantz... I don't hate the combo. I just can't listen to it. Big difference. I don't go by reviews I only use my ears. I've demoed them. Couldn't believe how bad they were and would not have them free.
I don't care if you like marantz, just thought you might had a bad experience with marantz and therefor don't like newer marantz low budget hifi 😉

I was talking about a new set of amp,cd combo for up to £500, not used
Come on boys lets not bicker over brand loyalties... we all know that Marantz is the bees knees 😉

Next time I'm in the market for a set-up I'm coming straight to you for your advice Insider.
Come on boys lets not bicker over brand loyalties... we all know that Marantz is the bees knees 😉

Next time I'm in the market for a set-up I'm coming straight to you for your advice Insider.

You know you want it, you want a marantz system, i'll make you an offer you can't refuse :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
I like Marantz kit especially the CD players and in particular older ones. I did have a 6006 cd and amp a couple of hrs ago as a borrow from Richer Sounds when my Roksan Oxygene kit was in for repair (long sad costly story) and was extremely underwhelmed by both the CD and the amp. Maybe it was because I was dropping down from more high end kit but probably not as I always have an element of budget equipment in all my set ups - if it sounds good I keep It!! I found both flat underpowered and boring.... expected much more tbh. A few years earlier I had a PM5004 with a CD6001 and BX2's and it sounded really really good. Maybe my ears have changed.
I like Marantz kit especially the CD players and in particular older ones. I did have a 6006 cd and amp a couple of hrs ago as a borrow from Richer Sounds when my Roksan Oxygene kit was in for repair (long sad costly story) and was extremely underwhelmed by both the CD and the amp. Maybe it was because I was dropping down from more high end kit but probably not as I always have an element of budget equipment in all my set ups - if it sounds good I keep It!! I found both flat underpowered and boring.... expected much more tbh. A few years earlier I had a PM5004 with a CD6001 and BX2's and it sounded really really good. Maybe my ears have changed.

What speakers ?
Im not trying to justify why i chose the Marantz PM6006 or for the CD6006 (still have to wait 2-3 weeks, it's out of stock) but more why people want this amp,cdplayer (is out of stock so people want the amp,cdplayer), what is a good match for the amp,cdpalyer combo (speaker,cable,turntable), what to avoid,cons and pros.

If any is up for the challenge of a new amp,cdplayer combo for £500 that is as good or better as the marantz 6006, let me know if you find something (not that im upgrading)

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Reviews are all well and good, but ears are far better as distinguishing what sounds good to you and what does not. I would trust word of mouth from owners above a review any day, but would still use my ears to make the final decision.

I guess the Marantz is popular because all the reviewers say that it is good at it's price-point. Marantz appear to have cornered the market for entry level kit, very clever on their part and allows investment in their range. Is there better kit out there, probably, but most entry level purchasers want a quick entrance into hi-fi without the need of trawling around endless auditions trying to find audio nirvana... this is where Marantz and reviews enter the scene.
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I did have A Onkyo TX-8020, very dark sounding, when i used my corial cls 425 on a more neutral sounding amp it sounded way to bright, the onkyo was so dark sounding that i had no trouble using all the power the amp had, even with the cordial speaker cable the sound wasn't agressive at high levels, only distorting a bit, could barely considered neutral.

I doubt that a Onky A-9010 is much better then the TX-8020, althought the A-9010 and PM6006 has about the same specs.

The A-9010 costs only a little more than the PM5005, the new model A-9110 just a little more expensive then the old model

Marantz PM and CD as mentions somewhere is out of stock, ordering at the end of december deliver time is 5-6 week, if that doesn't show that the Marantz amps and cdplayer is something people want, i don't know what else could show you they are good, even used theres hardly any for sale (where live going all the way down til 5003 and 6003 amps and cdplayer).

How ever if on a low budget (lets say up to 1000 euros) i could go for Onky A-9010 or A-9110 and a Marantz CD5005 or Onkyo C-7030

#11 (knaithrover)

Acoustic Energy AE305 shouldn't be any problem for a normal amps, 8 ohm and 90db speakers is plenty for loud music, mabye it goes down to under 4 ohm? (my 2 ppreviously speakers did go down til under 4 ohm and had no problem driving them even with cheap amps)

#13 (DougK)

If we have to stick to Onkyo, the A-9110 amp is also out of stock most places only one has it, almost the same same with a onkyo A-9010, the only thing i have heard about the A-9010 not being so great is the phonostage.

On whathifi they talk alot about The Marantz PM6006 and CD6006 or brand x, not Onkyo, even when the old A-9010 got great reviews (havn't seen more then 1 or 2 of the A-9110 )