The huge influence of incorrect and bad sound


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Mar 22, 2016
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Hello ,

just wanted to mention about one thing that rather is rarely mentioned on Hi Fi forums. Just as good as your HiFi system can be and can give you chills down the spine so negative infulence on you can have a bad audio system. I think many people ignore this fact but this is more than obvious. The incorrect sound reproduction, distortion coming from bad quality components can put you into very bad mood to the point of you being totally upset. Wrong sound can also make your bad mood worse instead of trying to improve it. Fact. Please pay attention to it. If you're not happy with your HiFi do not hesitate ( if money allows ) to improve the sound. If not , sometimes it better not to listen than listen to the thing that spoils your whole stamina. It is not the technology fault it is the bad engineering implemented into the HiFi systems so often.

Frank Harvey

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I don't think people necessarily "fall out" with the sound of their hi-fi because it is badly engineered. I'd say, more often than not, systems are put together based on bargains and other people's opinions, and that doesn't usually make for a well balanced or well matched system, and also more than likely a system that just doesn't work in their room.

Spending some time auditioning is the only way forward to getting the right system that works in the suer's listening room, regardless of their acoustics, which will save them time and money in the long run.


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Mar 3, 2010
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Agreed. We do see quite a few posts on here from people who have fallen out with the sound of their hifi. Not regulars but usually forum-newbies, many of whom buy a system of so-called five-star components they never heard based on reviews.

I haven't conducted a regimented survey but the number one complaint seems to be of bass-shy speakers, usually with an accompanyng complaint that a midrange they once thought was gloriously wide-open and expressive is actually shril and unlistenable on half their record collection. Commonly this is at the cheaper end of the speaker market, where there seems to be a disparity between the sound customers want to hear in their less-than-accoustically-ideal living spaces and the sound which reviewers are most likely to award five stars to, listening to the kit in their carefully constructed and treated auditioning rooms. That three-star speaker with its 'bloated overblown bass" could be just what the customer needs in his laminate-floored bare-walled living room with its two huge glass windows. But he'll probably never even consider buying it.


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I was thinking about the bass since i accidentally clicked on a bass test youtube link *crazy*

65-85 hz was a bit down 1 and 3db avarage 2 db c...... i thought, my q acoustics 2010i's peaked at 80-90hz, the bass is still above avarge

Later i was looking for a interconnect (havn't found it *aggressive*), while i was doing that i was sorting usb and cable for monitors hdmi,dp,dvi,vga and sound cables, i have alot

While doing that i was of course listening music, i was listening to elvis on youtube, settled for good volume not to loud and i keept hearing one elvis number after the other and despite being youtube it sounded good, not this thin and bright sound,very neutral a bit warmth,even when only my speakers and imho my dac HIFIME SABRE 9018 are 5 stars, i don't care if my amp is not 5 stars it sounds good to me, the speaker cable is without cons, it just works,good speaker stands, when elvis starts to sing OMG

I just enjoy the music (he is so good this elvis presley), it's like a woman who isn't perfect but when she starts kissing, you just enjoy it and forget about everything else

Also when you surfing the internet while listening to some good music and suddenly realize you foot is moving to the rythm of the music, then you know it's good

Listen to the energy,the rythm,the dynamic drums,the bass and guitar, you can sit still to such a number not matter what hifi system you have


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Jan 13, 2014
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stereoman said:
Just as good as your HiFi system can be and can give you chills down the spine so negative infulence on you can have a bad audio system. I think many people ignore this fact but this is more than obvious. The incorrect sound reproduction, distortion coming from bad quality components can put you into very bad mood to the point of you being totally upset. Wrong sound can also make your bad mood worse instead of trying to improve it. Fact. Please pay attention to it. If you're not happy with your HiFi do not hesitate ( if money allows ) to improve the sound. If not , sometimes it better not to listen than listen to the thing that spoils your whole stamina. It is not the technology fault it is the bad engineering implemented into the HiFi systems so often.

I prefer don't listen music, than listen it in lo-fi quality. Except instant access for some music pieces for fast acquaintance.

It is really give discomfort for me.


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Mar 22, 2016
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audiventory said:
stereoman said:
Just as good as your HiFi system can be and can give you chills down the spine so negative infulence on you can have a bad audio system. I think many people ignore this fact but this is more than obvious. The incorrect sound reproduction, distortion coming from bad quality components can put you into very bad mood to the point of you being totally upset. Wrong sound can also make your bad mood worse instead of trying to improve it. Fact. Please pay attention to it. If you're not happy with your HiFi do not hesitate ( if money allows ) to improve the sound. If not , sometimes it better not to listen than listen to the thing that spoils your whole stamina. It is not the technology fault it is the bad engineering implemented into the HiFi systems so often.

I prefer don't listen music, than listen it in lo-fi quality. Except instant access for some music pieces for fast acquaintance.

It is really give discomfort for me.

Indeed. Me too. The detrimental effect of a bad sound is too huge to ignore.


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Mar 22, 2016
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MajorFubar said:

That three-star speaker with its 'bloated overblown bass" could be just what the customer needs in his laminate-floored bare-walled living room with its two huge glass windows. But he'll probably never even consider buying it.

Absolutely ! I agree. A bit of a paradox while good quality speakers should sound in every environment good ( my theory and I am also convinced ) , but true those 3 star could be a soulution for some.


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Nov 20, 2014
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I am going to go against the grain here. I love music and I can listen on almost anything, I'm not even talking hi-fi. I find even the cheapest audio systems have some sonic qualities that are enjoyable. For example a cheap Roberts radio that I use when doing decorating jobs sounds fine and can clearly hear the symbols coming from it and I can and do listen to it all day. One of my customers has a cheap all in one Philips system on that I can clearly hear the bass lines, again I can listen to it all day. Of course a decent hi-fi would be better but I would still rather listen to music on a cheap device than none at all (unless it was extremely bad) and I find that most audio equipment has some quality that I can enjoy. From the warmth of vintage or valve equipment to cheap all in ones or portables etc......

Frank Harvey

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I was about to say a similar thing. Take any piece of music you like, you don't need a £10k system to enjoy it. It helps, but try not singing along or playing air guitar to your all time favourite track if it came on a transistor radio. It's about the music, and that comes across whatever the system.

Frank Harvey

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Jun 27, 2008
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stereoman said:
davidf said:
and that doesn't usually make for a well balanced or well matched system, and also more than likely a system that just doesn't work in their room.

....but this comes down to the same point - unlistenable system.
But what are the reasons you're citing for bad sound? Any reason, or specific ones? You mentioned "inaccurate", but sometimes it is the very inaccuracies of a system that someone loves, and whether that is right or wrong, is the listener's choice - not everyone is trying to recreate the sound the mixers heard on studio monitors.

If the reasons you're citing are badly matched or bad sounding systems because no research was done, no auditioning, and bits and bobs just bought purely on discounted prices, then there's not much sympathy from myself. Every product in the chain plays its part in the end result, regardless of the nonsense some spout ions products sound the same. They don't, and they all interact differently. Auditioning is the only way to ensure a system either sounds the way you want it to sound, or works well together to justify the cost.


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Apr 22, 2014
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[/quote]But what are the reasons you're citing for bad sound? Any reason, or specific ones? You mentioned "inaccurate", but sometimes it is the very inaccuracies of a system that someone loves, and whether that is right or wrong, is the listener's choice - not everyone is trying to recreate the sound the mixers heard on studio monitors.

If the reasons you're citing are badly matched or bad sounding systems because no research was done, no auditioning, and bits and bobs just bought purely on discounted prices, then there's not much sympathy from myself. Every product in the chain plays its part in the end result, regardless of the nonsense some spout ions products sound the same. They don't, and they all interact differently. Auditioning is the only way to ensure a system either sounds the way you want it to sound, or works well together to justify the cost.


My four star speakers with my three star amp sounds like heaven to me. So it's quite personal what you like or not.


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Nov 21, 2014
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I think the obsession for quality music from HiFi System comes about to us as we get older. As a young boy it was purely the excitement of the music which set my hairs on my back and my heart racing. It never ocurred to me how was the music reaching my ears, if someone at the time would say that the song not very listenable because the room is too boomy or that it is simply coming out of a cassette player I would instantly reply 'your mad! - just listen to the music!' I think sometimes we have lost the simple magic of just listening to music...?


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Nov 6, 2011
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that 'bad sound' will have something to do with cheap, poorly constructed and implimented speakers. ;-)

Bad sound to me is listening to the equipment too much rather than the music.


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Romulus said:
I think the obsession for quality music from HiFi System comes about to us as we get older. As a young boy it was purely the excitement of the music which set my hairs on my back and my heart racing. It never ocurred to me how was the music reaching my ears, if someone at the time would say that the song not very listenable because the room is too boomy or that it is simply coming out of a cassette player I would instantly reply 'your mad! - just listen to the music!' I think sometimes we have lost the simple magic of just listening to music...?

When you where young, it has to be big and loud

Later it has to sound good

Having more fun now with my q acoustics 2010i,mission LX-2 than i had when i had 2x 360 watt 8 ohm (or 4x120watt in 8 ohm) from my rotel rb 980bx with huge danish floorstands speaker with 2x2 8" yellow focal woofers

I would even have been happy if only had the system as my main hifi system that i use for my tv,just enough power to fill my living room with loud music (might go for the 2020 if the bass is noticeable better). About 250€ incl supra classic 6.0 speaker cable they give you more sq,fun for you're money than any ipod dock,soundbar for the same money, even the bass is good




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