The final shortlist- which one would you go for?


New member
Mar 5, 2008
MC cartridges I am thinking of getting: Obviously I would be only choose one...but which one would you choose and why? Your inputs on the below would be much appreciated Sumiko Blue Point EVO III - £230 (high output MC) The Benz Micro MC Gold- £208 (Low output MC) On the cheapers side: Sumiko blue point 2- £149 Denon DL-160- £159 I would be selling my ortofon 2m red, hopefully for £50- £60 as it is like new anyway. I have the dino so should handle all these cartridges with ease but which one would go fantastically with my turntable and 9cc tonearm & give me that extra oomph I want from my vinyl? 🙂
WOW ! you couldn't have picked two more different makes than Denon and Sumiko dude ( not heard the benz ) if you want to kick the musics head in but have fun with hard hitting transient and dynamics it's the denon.
if you want to chill out hear all the detail and nuances of the music then the sumiko's your choice. People who love denons really do love em , but they are not a neutral cart. They seem to do vocals better than a lot of carts but you don't listen to em for shall we say 'hi fi' sound. Big fun but check your arms compatable. Sumiko's I've found to be little sweethearts with no real vices but you may find them a little quiet sounding and find yourself turning the volume up looking for that thrill ( sumiko's don't do 'thrill' denons do ) I know an awful lot of people who have gone for lower priced MC's and been less satisfied than with a good MM. In the old days MC's were the better but in my opinion moving magnets have improved so much theirs not a lot in it . In fact some moving coils are horrid. An audio technica OCC 9 for eg will strip paint off the wallwith it's agressive piercing treble ! No matter what the hi fi world says. Each to their own though , others may dissagree with my findings but in essence I'm not far off with the differences . More opinions would be valuable so you can get a balance eh ?
My favourite cheaper MC , which is like the middle road , is the very good Dynavector 20X5.
by the way if you get a blue point special it's a naked body with 4 almost microscopic wires on the outside. I wreck mine cleaning it after indulging in a wine supping session bachus hisself would be proud of !
In other words it's very very fragile.
ivoreng:WOW ! you couldn't have picked two more different makes than Denon and Sumiko dude ( not heard the benz ) if you want to kick the musics head in but have fun with hard hitting transient and dynamics it's the denon.
if you want to chill out hear all the detail and nuances of the music then the sumiko's your choice. People who love denons really do love em , but they are not a neutral cart. They seem to do vocals better than a lot of carts but you don't listen to em for shall we say 'hi fi' sound. Big fun but check your arms compatable. Sumiko's I've found to be little sweethearts with no real vices but you may find them a little quiet sounding and find yourself turning the volume up looking for that thrill ( sumiko's don't do 'thrill' denons do ) I know an awful lot of people who have gone for lower priced MC's and been less satisfied than with a good MM. In the old days MC's were the better but in my opinion moving magnets have improved so much theirs not a lot in it . In fact some moving coils are horrid. An audio technica OCC 9 for eg will strip paint off the wallwith it's agressive piercing treble ! No matter what the hi fi world says. Each to their own though , others may dissagree with my findings but in essence I'm not far off with the differences . More opinions would be valuable so you can get a balance eh ?
My favourite cheaper MC , which is like the middle road , is the very good Dynavector 20X5.
by the way if you get a blue point special it's a naked body with 4 almost microscopic wires on the outside. I wreck mine cleaning it after indulging in a wine supping session bachus hisself would be proud of !
In other words it's very very fragile.I have been thinking about the sumiko's fragile nature- so I am a bit worried about messing up a £230 cartridge by accident. See, I have never heard MC cartridges and only have the 2M red MM to go by. So would you say the 2M Bronze MM would be a brilliant purchase? it does cost £260 but I can stretch that far if it is worth it and I have a dealer not very far that can do a part exchange for my 2M red (I originally bought it from them. So many choices and very hard to make a it is an expensive choice in the end 🙂 Has anyone heard a 2M Bronze? What about the benz, great reviews online but not sure...all opinions greatly appreciated of course...positive and negative!
Actually upon further reading online reviews, the Benz has had a few very negative opinions...mmmm, I just don't know what to go for now! the dynavector 1OX5 is at the top end of my budget...but very good I suspect?
My list has just got bigger. I am also looking at the Grado Platinum 1- £220. I do love the look of it with the wood casing and the reviews are mainly really positive- any grado users here?
Why don't you just upgrade your 2m red to blue, makes a great cost effective upgrade without worries of MC upgrade.

I upgraded mine via Musonic, the stylus is just £90, the upgrade is fantastic.
I reckon the 2m blue ix THE BEST cart at it's price or even up to £250 .
Better than the goldrings by a fair hop.
I don't think this ones gonna be over till a MC's been tried though is it ?
dyno 10x4's my choice.
the armS vta adjustable so no problem there. Worth saving up a bit for .
If your unsure of the skeletal design of the Sumiko the Dynavector would be at the top of the list, its an excellent cartridge. Just save a few more pennies!
shooter69:If your unsure of the skeletal design of the Sumiko the Dynavector would be at the top of the list, its an excellent cartridge. Just save a few more pennies!I am afraid I am one of those people who has a budget and will stick to it. I have heard great things about the Grado and I am really looking forward to owning one. Yes, I have made up my mind! the Grado Platinum 1 MC. The local audio T can get me one for £230 and install it (bonus). Might even get a exchange price for my 2M red- if not, I will sell it for £50- so it will cost me £180- very happy about that. I really appreciate all your info even though I have gone for the Grado. I will let you know in 2 weeks how it will sound 🙂
Why don't you just upgrade your 2m red to blue, makes a great cost effective upgrade without worries of MC upgrade.

I upgraded mine via Musonic, the stylus is just £90, the upgrade is fantastic.

mmmm, so you say it's a big upgrade from the 2M red? there does not seem much difference between them being elliptical and the other nude elliptical- what those that actually mean?
I believe the nude stylus gives slightly less tip mass so better tracking ability and a more extended frequency response?
gwynne61:I believe the nude stylus gives slightly less tip mass so better tracking ability and a more extended frequency response? Oh dear...and I thought I made my mind up. The Grado platinum is elliptical and not nude elliptical diamond (that only exists on the sonata 1...which is way above my price range)I suspect the nude is better which can be had in the 2M bronze at a cheaper price. Why is choosing something in hi fi so difficult??? Arghhhhhh 🙂 Maybe a blue 2m will do just fine as said above at the fraction of the cost due to it's fine line stylus..decisions decisions.

Maybe this will help in giving me a choice:

I want a cartridge that is not bright but not laid back (I want the music to stir me and not bore excitement needs to be there). I also want a very detailed top end. Bass needs to be precise and midrange rich and fluid but most of all important is musicality (am I asking for too much at my price range??) If Andrew reads this- what would you suggest please?
gbhsi1:I want a cartridge that is not bright but not laid back (I want the music to stir me and not bore excitement needs to be there). I also want a very detailed top end. Bass needs to be precise and midrange rich and fluid but most of all important is musicality (am I asking for too much at my price range??)

Your not asking to much, but they have been covered!
shooter69:gbhsi1:I want a cartridge that is not bright but not laid back (I want the music to stir me and not bore excitement needs to be there). I also want a very detailed top end. Bass needs to be precise and midrange rich and fluid but most of all important is musicality (am I asking for too much at my price range??)

Your not asking to much, but they have been covered! Yes, you are right it has been covered..mainly steering towards the dynavector 10x5 (out of my price range unfortunately)- so it is either the Sumiko or...? nobody has commented on the Grado yet. I think you can appreciate that I want to spend my money wisely. I bought the Dino which is a great start so now the cartridge! which, as you can see, I am finding very difficult to decide (even though my mind was set on the grado...kind of thought about and not sure again)
gbhsi1:shooter69:gbhsi1:I want a cartridge that is not bright but not laid back (I want the music to stir me and not bore excitement needs to be there). I also want a very detailed top end. Bass needs to be precise and midrange rich and fluid but most of all important is musicality (am I asking for too much at my price range??)

Your not asking to much, but they have been covered! Yes, you are right it has been covered..mainly steering towards the dynavector 10x5 (out of my price range unfortunately)- so it is either the Sumiko or...? nobody has commented on the Grado yet. I think you can appreciate that I want to spend my money wisely. I bought the Dino which is a great start so now the cartridge! which, as you can see, I am finding very difficult to decide (even though my mind was set on the grado...kind of thought about and not sure again)

If i was looking at carts in that price range the Sumiko Evo II would be at the top of the list, it will match your arm.

You'll reads the reviews!
shooter69:gbhsi1:shooter69:gbhsi1:I want a cartridge that is not bright but not laid back (I want the music to stir me and not bore excitement needs to be there). I also want a very detailed top end. Bass needs to be precise and midrange rich and fluid but most of all important is musicality (am I asking for too much at my price range??)

Your not asking to much, but they have been covered! Yes, you are right it has been covered..mainly steering towards the dynavector 10x5 (out of my price range unfortunately)- so it is either the Sumiko or...? nobody has commented on the Grado yet. I think you can appreciate that I want to spend my money wisely. I bought the Dino which is a great start so now the cartridge! which, as you can see, I am finding very difficult to decide (even though my mind was set on the grado...kind of thought about and not sure again)

If i was looking at carts in that price range the Sumiko Evo II would be at the top of the list, it will match your arm.

You'll reads the reviews!Let me read the reviews again. Nice chord amp by the way, must of cost a few bob 🙂
shooter69:gbhsi1:Nice chord amp by the way🙂

Thanks gb, i love it and wanted to show off a bit!You are welcome. If you got it, flaunt it...a little 🙂


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