The Epos sound


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Aug 10, 2019
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I was wondering, seeing how each brand of hi-fi gear has its own sonic traits, what the Epos kit was like. Particularly the ELS3 range.

I have a pair of MA Studio 10 in the living and am trying to turn my setup into a 5.1 system. Would in your opinion the ELS3C be a good match as a centre speaker with the Studio 10s as front left and right? Thanks.


Yes they would. Both speakers are quite bright (the MA a bit more though) and both have great timing and a similar tonality; it should work a treat!

Remember though, that the sonic traits prevaillent in manafacturers can - and does - change from product to product, sometimes quite excessively - think Arcam A32 (impeccable timing compared to the more soupy Arcam of days gone by) and B&W 685s (where did that treble extention come from all of a sudden?!)



Funny that you say that the MA are quite bright. In my "ears", they sound very "rich" and bassey, nearly muffled. They are quite an old model btw I believe ("Studio 10").

Thanks all the same Hughes123! :eek:)

Yes they would. Both speakers are quite bright (the MA a bit more though) and both have great timing and a similar tonality; it should work a treat!

Remember though, that the sonic traits prevaillent in manafacturers can - and does - change from product to product, sometimes quite excessively - think Arcam A32 (impeccable timing compared to the more soupy Arcam of days gone by) and B&W 685s (where did that treble extention come from all of a sudden?!)

Out of the two speakers mentioned, the Epos are more controlled and analytical than the Monitor Audios. Sure there are differnces between models, but look at past Group tests WHFI? have done. They usually recommend Epos with Cyrus kit, while MA's are better suited to Roksan and Arcam.


Are you saying Plastic Penguin that they might not match that well after all?

I understand that it would maybe make more sense to get a centre from the same make as the 2 fronts. Shall I keep it all MA therefore?

Are you saying Plastic Penguin that they might not match that well after all?

I understand that it would maybe make more sense to get a centre from the same make as the 2 fronts. Shall I keep it all MA therefore?

No. Only because as prevoiusly mentioned, although I've never had the opportunity to hear Epos, I know from tests done over the past couple of years carried out by WHFI? S&V that the Epos's are better matched with brighter electronics.

If you can't audition them, then err on the safe side & go with one make.


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