The 9 best punk tracks even audiophiles will forgive


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Mar 23, 2021
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in mid 80´s i was part of two punk rock bands ,i had records from Dead Kennedy´s, D.O.A., U.K. Subs, Social Distortion (only , L.a. Prision bound) early Bad Religion Lp´s, all material released by Sex Pistols and Ex pistols e.p. after the second bass player death Sid Vicious, a very strange story about Sid and Nancy death, and many others but the production was kind of rough, so audiophile punk is kind of a strange concept to me ,almost forget, the Ramones LP´s mainly till 1980 and later have only some but all songs i liked i recorded them into a reel till Adios Amigos, some have one or two good songs but others are to be heard from the first to the last track, in terms of sound quality i do like a lot the Jello Biafra with D.O.A and also a L.p. from Altrernative tentacle , it as the song EGG from Alice Donut, the name can´t remenber it now and wasn´t just a word or two, maybe" a bucket full of..." can´t remenber it, also i don´t play it maybe since 2002 but had a very nice production, most of those bands released by epitaph weren´t in my opinion punk bands kind of boys band but with punk sound (close as punk included diferent kinds of music) like rancid that they named the band spot on, out come the wolfs isn´t bad but equal to several others but as i said not all were bad ,i remenber after seeing live ,ten foot pole ,pennywise but what made me stop hearing those bands was after a NOFX concert that all seem well trained phisically to play two hours of concert jumping like crazy monkeys, that´s when i said to myself "this isn´t a punk band. looks a lot like backstreet boys but the music character is more rock but always the same, as opening act it was a spanish band that i become fan of the band this in 1993/4 not sure, even today i buy them records from Soziedad alkoholika( alcoolic society, in english) they still sound very good and loud in my 70´s system(it´s the most powerfull i own) from exclusive series by Pioneer. The bands i played were very simple but had powerfull sound ,only two guitars and drums one was called Anarquist caos other become known as simply stupid, because there were a lot of punks in the city i live in, the concerts were always filled with people but the second name was to be only "Stupid" but in a night show a fellow menber of the band said "we are called simply ,Stupid and in concerts we heard the audience shouting" Simply Stupid"and it stayed , in several demos we recorded with a nice black and white inlay papper we had nice drawings and ..stupid lyrics ,recorded in my father home studio we used spectrum 48K game recording cassettes with less time where we recorded new songs or old improved songs in 30 mintus tapes/cassettes ,the songs were all around 3 minuts each and locally we had a lot of followers and once in a punk festival in the north of the country we felt like the audience was enjoying the songs as they had simple stupid lyrics and we put on the only music newspapper in the country made by guys younger than us , a advertising that if wanting to buy our demos we would send them after receiving what today is 2.5€ and we sold 248 cassettes so we felt like we had public in diferent parts of the country this because we played in that festival of punk bands, only, but nothing special just part of the punk movement of the 80´s in Portugal and only cassettes with nice drawings and lyrics. Never we felt that we should record a album, in one concert the bass player didn´t appear and we went to the stage and invite one guy from the audience to play bass and a kid was shouting that he was a fan of the band we put him on stage and gave him a bass and said to him just play here and here in the top string and it was a good concert ,i think the kid played better bass than our bass player, he even new chords, i was palying the 4 chords at the most i played in a six string guitar and he knew the chords playing them on the bass guitar, our bass player only played with two fingers in each hand but i put a guitar pedal called "metal charger" and gave a strong effect on the bass, fun times , i almost forget our main influence were the Clash i had all their albums being my favorite" give` em enough rope" and the first debut LP ,the first i refer had a very nice production so it´s a must have for audiophile´s punk music colectors as all others from Clash also forget to refer one of my favorite bands at the time "Gun Club"low quality production but great songs" except a very early 90´s LP that i have "pastoral, hide and seek" if memory doesn´t fail me that was recorded in a good studio is the one that sounds better quality wise with some three great songs and others just fine
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